We had a great time at SpringOne. We met up with the Heroku team to discuss our current work on the Heroku Gradle integration. You can expect something to be released within this year.
We met with the STS team and we are looking forward to work together on the upcoming features in the STS Gradle integration. We were very excited to hear that STS is going open source over the next 6 months.
We met with the Grails and Griffon team to discuss a deeper integration with Gradle.
We were very happy to get the milestone-5 out. You can expect now much more frequent releases. There is new posting for our 1.0 release roadmap.
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##Gradle Development (by Adam Murdoch)
This week we released Gradle 1.0-milestone-5.
Development work focused on dependency management. Gradle now makes much better use of the cache for dependencies with dynamic versions, such as version ranges or ‘latest.status’. This fix can improve performance enormously for builds that use these dependencies.
We also worked on a fix for GRADLE-1838, so that the correct artifacts are selected when you use a mix of artifacts with and without classifiers.
Some other changes:
As part of the milestone-5 release, we added a new tutorial that introduces some basics of dependency management.
Gradle should now work fine on platforms where JNA is not available, such as AIX.
There is a new experimental ‘build-announcements’ plugin, which makes local announcements to the desktop on important events in the build.
A task can now be used as an input to Project.files(), which resolves to the output files of the task.
What’s next?
Our focus continues to be stabilisation in preparation for a Gradle 1.0 release. The daemon will see some fixes, to handle changes to Java version, and to allow JVM arguments to be specified when the daemon is started. In dependency management, we will make better use of the cache for dependencies on Maven snapshots. This will improve performance, particularly when combining this with multiple repository definitions.
Also, we will work on a fix for GRADLE-1801, to allow multiple instances of the same build to run concurrently.
A snapshot containing the dependency management fixes will be made available for testing early this week.
Interesting Tweets * @aestasit: Aestas Blog: Introduction to #gradle on JUG.lv: http://t.co/zpFEb7C3 * @ericsoo: 1212 likes: build.gradle for setting up a new gradle-based project — Gist http://t.co/ZqUJep1I #build via @largebreasts * @TomAkehurst: Very impressed with #Gradle today. Thought jar + oneJar deploy to mvn repo would be pain to set up, but it Just Worked! * @krisglowacki: converting ant to gradle. so far so good. STS has even some experimental support. * @etiennestuder: When converting a build from #Maven to #Gradle, don’t mimic how you did things in Maven, there is usually a much more elegant way in Gradle. * @eriwen: Only the node.js version of JSHint supports config and XML output… I guess the Gradle JS plugin is going to have to settle for JSLint * @bsletten: @chrislovecnm No, it’s very cool, but I am building a NetKernel Gradle plugin that does weird things. * @bsletten: Next time I create my first Gradle plugin ever, please remind me to start with something simpler. And maybe attend @tlberglund’s class. * @ticetime: Launching #Liquibase from #Gradle with à la #Grails DataSource config file : http://t.co/UGpXKHOE post in french , code in english ! * @tomhermann: Playing with a gradle build for a website. Posted a gist of what I have so far http://t.co/rpe4W3bU: * @hlship: #tapestry5 quick start archetype should now, finally, include the #gradle support I promised 5.3-beta-29 * @cuwac1: Enterprise Gradle by Hans Dockter at #s12gx. I haven’t really used it, so not sure I’ll get much. We want to start using Gradle at eaiti.com * @mikewitters: Excellent intro to gradle at springone2gx. Getting ready to hear about it in the enterprise. #s2gx #gradle * @fhopf: Blogged on getting started with #Gradle: http://t.co/mZ6vMhyT * @builddoctor: Continuous Delivery Pipeline with Jenkins, Gradle and Artifactory http://t.co/hAJTlvHX
Gradle Jobs
Dice keyword search for Gradle
Monster keyword search for Gradle
Careerbuilder keyword search for Gradle
Senior Build Release Engineer - Sunnyvale, CA
Software Build Engineer - Knoxville, TN
Configuration Management Engineer - Chevy Chase, MD ## Conferences and User Groups
Greach (November 4th in Madrid, Spain)
Conference on Grails, Griffon, Gradle, GPars, Spock, Gaelyk * GR8 (November 15th, Canberra, Australia)
Conference on Groovy, Grails, Griffon, Gradle, Gaelyk, Gpars * Devoxx (November 14th - 18th in Antwerp, Belgium)
Gradle will tak part in the Hackergarten. * Project Automation Experience (Nov 29 - Dec 2, in Fort Lauderdale, FL)
This exciting conference, now in its second year, confirms the importance of project automation from basic software builds all the way through software deployment. It features several presentations on Gradle, and many more on the growing set of tools and techniques for automation. * Groovy & Grails Exchange (December 8-9th in London, U.K.)
Hans Dockter is delivering an Enterprise Gradle talk plus a talk on Advanced Gradle features. Gradleware’s Luke Daley is presenting on Grails, Geb and Spock.
Gradle wird den Build schon schaukeln (November 2nd in Karlsruhe, Germany)
Gradle Talk by Gradle founder Hans Dockter * Gradle wird den Build schon schaukeln (November 7th in Zürich, Switzerland)
Much reccomended Gradle Talk by Etienne Studer * The evolution of an open source project’s build automation (November 11th in London, U.K.)
Exciting free evening talk by by Luke Daley * Introduction to Gradle workshop (December 5th in London, U.K.)
Free half day workshop by Luke Daley