Welcome to the first of our ‘this week in Gradle’ posts. In these posts we share some brief details about recent Gradle development work, our short-term development plans, and other interesting bits of Gradle news. Thanks to the Grails team for their ‘This in week in Grails’ series which has inspired us to do something similar.
If you want to keep up with these “This Week in Gradle” posts you can access them directly via their tag link or in an RSS reader with the feed for just these posts.
General News
Come by our booth and say hi if you happen to be at Java One next week.
We are also excited that mvnrepository.com now supports the Gradle dependency format.
Evgeny Goldin has written an insightful article, Gradle: a Groovy Domain Specific Language Based Build Tool, about Gradle for the Methods & Tools magazine.
Karl Banke has written a Gradle article, Gradle - Das Beste zweier Welten (The best of two worlds), for the famous iX Magazine (in German). So far it is paid content. We hope to get permission to post it eventually on our website.
Gradle Development
This week work has continued on stabilising the new artifact dependency cache, in preparation for Gradle 1.0-milestone-5. We’ve reworked the file locking to prevent the artifact corruption failures that people were seeing in the first 1.0-milestone-5 snapshot.
We’ve also been improving the daemon, working to make it production ready. The daemon now runs the build using the client’s working directory, environment variables and system properties. The daemon can now run multiple builds at the same time, and properly handles control-c from the client. The result of these changes is that the daemon now does a pretty good job of replicating the behaviour of the ‘gradle’ command, while making the build faster.
We now are ready to make a new 1.0-milestone-5 snapshot available for people to test. We will also test out this snapshot using Gradle’s build. If it proves to be stable over a few days, we will release this snapshot as Gradle 1.0-milestone-5.
What’s next?
Following milestone 5, we will start reworking our dependency resolution algorithm, as a major step towards improving dependency resolution performance. See this thread on the dev list for more details.
We will also continue working to make the daemon production ready, so that the daemon can handle changes in Java version, and in system properties such as file.encoding which get used at JVM start up. This, along with some support for tweaking the daemon JVM args, will get us close to removing the ‘experimental’ tag from the daemon.
Interesting Tweets
- @jonnybbb: #gradle dependency format is now supported by mvnrepository.com
- @jnegre_org: I’ve just tested #gradle + #easyb + #geb: this is pure awesomeness!
- @sebastiangozin: Uploaded a gradle plugin for creating native ubuntu/debian packages to my github at http://bit.ly/q8F7TG
- @htmlZen: How to install Gradle on Ubuntu 10.10 - goo.gl/o7xgX
- @yanncebron Spicing up Gradle build performance with some GPars usage. Building systems can actually be fun again …
- @smaldini the #GEB gradle builds are very inspiring and demo nice features from #Gradle bit.ly/qekhjI
Gradle Jobs
- Dice keyword search for Gradle
- Monster keyword search for Gradle
- Careerbuilder keyword search for Gradle
- Software Engineer - San Mateo, CA
- Senior Build & Release Engineer - San Francisco, CA
- Configuration Management Engineer - Chevy Chase, MD
- Configuration Management Engineer - New York, NY - 1
- Configuration Management Engineer - New York, NY - 2
Conferences and User Groups
JavaOne (October 2nd-6th in San Fracisco, CA)
- Come by our booth and say hello
- Gradle Talk by Ken Sipe
SpringOne (October 25th-28th in Chicago, IL)
- We are pleased to have several Gradle presentations at SpringOne.
- Meetup with the Grails team to discuss improving Grails-Gradle integration.
Devoxx (November 14th - 18th in Antwerp, Belgium)
- Gradle will tak part in the Hackergarten
Project Automation Experience (Nov 29 - Dec 2, in Fort Lauderdale, FL)
- This exciting conference, now in its second year, confirms the importance of project automation from basic software builds all the way through software deployment. It features several presentations on Gradle, and many more on the growing set of tools and techniques for automation.
The evolution of an open source project’s build automation (November 11th in London, U.K.)
- Exciting free evening talk by by Luke Daley
Introduction to Gradle workshop (December 5th in London, U.K.)
- Free half day workshop by Luke Daley