Peter Niederwieser, Luke Daley and I will be at SpringOne next week. If you are around, you are very welcome to arrange meetings with them. Just drop us a note. Of course you can also meet them at their talks.
Benjamin Muschko has released the first version of a Gradle Clover plugin. Benjamin is also the author of the Gradle Tomcat plugin, which provides deployment of web applications to an embedded Tomcat web container in any given Gradle build. Bejamin has also written Gradle plugins for Google App Engine, Gaelyk, IzPack and Cargo.
Eric Wendelin has started work on Gradle CSS and JS plugins. Have a look at his announcement.
Yennick Trevels has released a Gradle plugin for building Flex projects.
The call for papers for GR8Conf Australia is open.
If you want to keep up with these “This Week in Gradle” posts you can access them directly via their tag link or in an RSS reader with the feed for just these posts.
Gradle Development (by Adam Murdoch)
Yesterday we released another 1.0-milestone-5 snapshot.
The new dependency cache, however, is proving quite stable. This week, we’ve greatly improved dependency management performance for builds that use multiple repositories. At this stage, however, the improvements do not work with dynamic versions (such as 4.8.+, 1.0-SNAPSHOT, changing = true, and so on).
Also in dependency management land, we’ve added the ability to force a particular version of a module, regardless of whether the module is a direct or transitive dependency. For example, you can tell Gradle things like: ‘if groovy is to be included in the compile classpath, always use version 1.8.3, regardless of the declared dependencies’. This allows you to, for example, customise conflict resolution by explicitly stating which version should be used.
Ivy repositories added using repositories.ivy { } now understand dynamic versions.
We’ve also done some work to fix portability problems, such as dealing with JNA not being available on every platform. There is still some work to do in this area.
What’s next?
The current 1.0-milestone-5-snapshot will become the released version if it proves stable over the next few days.
We will continue work on dependency management performance, in particular for dynamic versions and modules. Part of this work will be to apply a consistent, and configurable, behaviour for how often we check dynamic versions and modules.
The daemon will get some more fixes, taking it close to being enabled by default.
Interesting Tweets
- @jamescarr: Wrote a pretty nifty mult-module gradle project at work. Currently deploying the AMQP consumer to Tomcat, investigating using OSGI
- @berngp: doing some BDD with #scala thx to ScalaTest . Love the reports that #gradle builds too ;)
- @cbartling: @projectileboy Have you looked at Gradle yet? I’ve been using it a bit lately and like it. Might be worthwhile to investigate.
- @tim_yates: migration of our genomic build scripts from ant to gradle continues. looking forward to phase 2; making the steps into gradle plugins
- @stalep: @paaloliver you have my sympathies. there is one cure though; gradle.
- @dexterous: #doneForTheDay 4: potentially saved a #scala project from #maven by #gradle enabling it #ftw /cc @gradleware
- @tomflah: I just landed a telecommute contract with PSS Physician Sales & Service to work on REST CoffeeScript Backbone.js Grails Gradle Scala & Akka
- @gregturn: Just had my first visit with building a #gradle-ized project. Looks nice!
- @svanderbijl: Watching our new Gradle build do it’s thing… Almost boring compared to the output of the Maven version…
- @eriwen: A huge hat tip to @tlberglund for teaching me how to write #Gradle plugins. Thanks, Tim!
- @puffybsd: The #gradle application plugin does an excellent job of packaging up jars and generating a startup script for java apps. Impressed.
- @albgorski: I start to read a new book “Building and Testing with Gradle” > hope for new, better build tool
- @beanz80: Todays fun technology is gradle…which is awesome!
- @GetHiredIT: I’m attending CJUG October 2011 Meeting - Gradle
Gradle Jobs
Dice keyword search for Gradle
Monster keyword search for Gradle
Careerbuilder keyword search for Gradle
Senior Build & Release Engineer - San Francisco, CA #Maven #Gradle #ANT
Tools Team Software Developer - London, UK #ANT #Gradle #Jenkins #TeamCity #Hudson #CruiseControl
Conferences and User Groups
SpringOne (October 25th-28th in Chicago, IL)
- We are pleased to have several Gradle presentations at SpringOne.
- Meetup with the Grails team to discuss improving Grails-Gradle integration.
Greach (November 4th in Madrid, Spain)
- Conference on Grails, Griffon, Gradle, GPars, Spock, Gaelyk
GR8 (November 15th, Canberra, Australia)
- Conference on Groovy, Grails, Griffon, Gradle, Gaelyk, Gpars
Devoxx (November 14th - 18th in Antwerp, Belgium)
- Gradle will tak part in the Hackergarten.
Project Automation Experience (Nov 29 - Dec 2, in Fort Lauderdale, FL)
- This exciting conference, now in its second year, confirms the importance of project automation from basic software builds all the way through software deployment. It features several presentations on Gradle, and many more on the growing set of tools and techniques for automation.
Gradle: Bringing Engineering Back to Builds (October 18th in Chicago, IL)
- Gradle Talk by NFJS speaker and Gradle book author Tim Berglund.
Gradle wird den Build schon schaukeln (October 27th in Basel, Switzerland)
- Much recommended Gradle Talk by Etienne Studer
Gradle wird den Build schon schaukeln (November 7th in Zürich, Switzerland)
- Much recommended Gradle Talk by Etienne Studer
The evolution of an open source project’s build automation (November 11th in London, U.K.)
- Exciting free evening talk by by Luke Daley
Introduction to Gradle workshop (December 5th in London, U.K.)
- Free half day workshop by Luke Daley