March 17, 2013, 1:42am
A new release candidate for Gradle 1.5 is out. This release addresses a couple of issues discovered in the first release candidate:
GRADLE-2705 : Cannot run Gradle with 64-bit JVM on Windows 2003 and earlier - GRADLE-2706 : PMD Plugin applying basic rules even when they are not included in our rule set files
If you encountered either of these problems, or if you haven’t yet tried out the first release candidate, we’d really appreciate it if you could try this one out and let us know if you experience any issues.
You would likely get more people testing if you included the download link in the announcement.
$0.02 Philip
March 17, 2013, 3:17pm
Thanks - fixed now. That was a bit of an oversight!
March 21, 2013, 2:46pm
Why does Gradle 1.5 try to access Maven metadata when having Ivy repositories configured only resulting in unnecessary network access?
Cached resource is up-to-date (lastModified: Fri Mar 01 12:11:59 EST 2013). [HTTP: http://bas.eur.ad.sag:8081/artifactory/build-snapshot/com/softwareag/g11n/lfw/lfw-messageeditor/]
Resource missing. [HTTP GET: http://bas.eur.ad.sag:8081/artifactory/build-snapshot/com/softwareag/g11n/lfw/lfw-messageeditor/maven-metadata.xml]
Resource missing. [HTTP GET: http://bas.eur.ad.sag:8081/artifactory/build-snapshot/com/softwareag/g11n/lfw/lfw-messageeditor/]
Resource missing. [HTTP GET: http://bas.eur.ad.sag:8081/artifactory/build-snapshot/com/softwareag/g11n/lfw/lfw-messageeditor/]
Resource missing. [HTTP GET: http://bas.eur.ad.sag:8081/artifactory/build-snapshot/com/softwareag/g11n/lfw/lfw-messageeditor/]
Resource missing. [HTTP GET: http://bas.eur.ad.sag:8081/artifactory/build-snapshot/com/softwareag/g11n/lfw/lfw-messageeditor/]
Resource missing. [HTTP GET: http://bas.eur.ad.sag:8081/artifactory/build-snapshot/com/softwareag/g11n/lfw/lfw-messageeditor/]
Resource missing. [HTTP GET: http://bas.eur.ad.sag:8081/artifactory/build-snapshot/com/softwareag/g11n/lfw/lfw-messageeditor/]
Resource missing. [HTTP GET: http://bas.eur.ad.sag:8081/artifactory/build-snapshot/com/softwareag/g11n/lfw/lfw-messageeditor/]
Resource missing. [HTTP GET: http://bas.eur.ad.sag:8081/artifactory/build-snapshot/com/softwareag/g11n/lfw/lfw-messageeditor/]
Resource missing. [HTTP GET: http://bas.eur.ad.sag:8081/artifactory/build-snapshot/com/softwareag/g11n/lfw/lfw-messageeditor/]
Resource missing. [HTTP GET: http://bas.eur.ad.sag:8081/artifactory/build-snapshot/com/softwareag/g11n/lfw/lfw-messageeditor/]
Resource missing. [HTTP GET: http://bas.eur.ad.sag:8081/artifactory/build-snapshot/com/softwareag/g11n/lfw/lfw-messageeditor/]
Resource missing. [HTTP GET: http://bas.eur.ad.sag:8081/artifactory/build-snapshot/com/softwareag/g11n/lfw/lfw-messageeditor/]
Resource missing. [HTTP GET: http://bas.eur.ad.sag:8081/artifactory/build-snapshot/com/softwareag/g11n/lfw/lfw-messageeditor/maven-metadata.xml]
Cached resource is up-to-date (lastModified: Fri Mar 01 12:11:59 EST 2013). [HTTP: http://bas.eur.ad.sag:8081/artifactory/build-snapshot/com/softwareag/g11n/lfw/lfw-messageeditor/]
March 21, 2013, 3:19pm
Hi Thomas. Can you please open a separate forum topic for this issue? Seems like it warrants it’s own thread.
March 21, 2013, 4:11pm
Hi Daz - Here it is … http://gsfn.us/t/3tsep . Any comment on the why? This might be intentionally, but it seems to be an expensive operation considering that the POM files shouldn’t be relevant…/Thomas