In my build, this candidate reliably fails when running unit tests due to NoClassDefFoundError or resource loading problems. The tests pass in v1.7 and in Eclipse, so I suspect that there is another dependency bug.
EDIT: Appears to be unable to find resources on the classpath. Due to poor usage of statics this resulted in a class load problem. The resources are listed in the jar and build/resources/main.
This is my fault and not a bug. I think it is a change in behavior due to the upgrade of Ant. I was using the FixCrLfFilter across all files in processResources, assuming it correctly skipped binary content. This worked in v1.7, but with 1.8-rc-X it fails. I’ve added a filesMatching predicate to restrict it to *.sql files which we validate by checksum that they haven’t been modified after a release (Flyway).
Hello “Learner”, thanks for your feedback. this is a known issue which is fixed on master but I think the fix will not be merged down to the 1.8 release branch