Gradle 2.5-rc-2 is now available for testing

The Gradle team is pleased to announce that the 2nd release candidate for Gradle 2.5 is now available.

Download links and release notes can be found as always at

This 2nd release candidate for 2.5 adds fixes for GRADLE-3312, that affected publishing via maven-publish to urls with redirects. Furthermore it fixes a regression in the tar.gz handling (see GRADLE-3310) and some minor documentation issues. Please see the release notes for more information on how this may affect your builds.

Please try Gradle 2.5-rc-2 with your projects and let us know your experiences. We expect to release Gradle 2.5 final very soon.

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I have a problem with the gradle demon it’s using MaxPermSize in it’s defalt jvm args and Permgen was removed in jdk 8 and it’s a Unrecognized vm option in jdk 9 it’s getting added here

Everything fine with the usual three projects. I’m a bit late due to heat fatigue. :stuck_out_tongue:

This is being tracked as GRADLE-3286. There are actually a number of issues that need to be addressed with regards to JDK 9 support which we have organized under this design spec.

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