Git repository at <url> did not contain a project publishing the specified dependency

Hi! I’m using the Source Dependency feature detailed here:


include ':codegen'
sourceControl {
    gitRepository("") {

implementation("io.swagger:swagger-codegen") {
    version {
        branch = "AdditionalPropertiesFix"
// assemble command output

Could not determine the dependencies of task ':codegen:compileJava'.
> Could not resolve all task dependencies for configuration ':codegen:compileClasspath'.
   > Git repository at did not contain a project publishing the specified dependency.
     Required by:
         project :codegen

Any idea what’s going wrong here? I’m rather new to gradle, so apologies if I’ve broken conventions.

Hi @twof! Welcome to the Gradle community. :slight_smile:

Unfortunately, the project (swagger) you are depending on is built with Maven. Source dependencies currently only work with projects that have a Gradle build.

You would need to build your modified version locally with Maven and then depend on it. You can do that, for example, by installing a snapshot with Maven to mavenLocal() and then depending on it in Gradle.