Hi! Im new with Gradle and I’m trying to include a java project that I will call project “A” that have some dependencies marked as API (Im using the java-library plugin in all projects) thats includes some modules of the project “A” and dependencies downloaded from maven repositories, and I want include it in the project “B”. To do this I’m using the maven publish plugin to publish the project “A” and include as a dependency in the project “B”. The result is that in the project “B” only the project “A” sources are included. But when I see the Gradle window It recognizes the dependencies of the project “A” but doesn’t includes their classpath.
This is the build.gradle of the project “B”:
plugins {
group = "com.github.ynverxe"
version = "1.0-SNAPSHOT"
repositories {
mavenLocal {
metadataSources {
dependencies {
Edit: Here are the source code of the project “A”: GitHub - Ynverxe/xenov at dev