What is a good version scheme including a build number?

I would like to use the build numbers from the CI in the version number, but only for beta releases (I am open for suggestions)

I considered using semantic versioning, but from what I have found it seems Gradle does not support this. I would like to use something like 1.0.0-123, 1.0.0-124 etc. for beta releases and then the final release will be 1.0.0

What is a good versioning scheme which includes build numbers when using Gradle?

You can assign an instance of java.lang.Object to the property “version” using the setter method on Project. This means that you can create a custom class that contains any logic you are trying to implement. How you want to define the versioning scheme is specific to your project.

If I invent my own versioning scheme or use semantic versioning, how will Gradle pick the right version for dependencies?

For instance, if my project depends on version 1.0.+ (or latest.integration), does gradle know version 1.0.0-123 < 1.0.0-124 < 1.0.0-125 < 1.0.1-126 < 1.1.0-300 ?

Good question. I never tried this out. I think it will if you use a dot instead of a dash sign in the version number e.g.

Ordering is purely lexicographical.

So you can test out how Gradle will compare them by comparing the strings in Java.

Are you sure? The string “1.0.9” is lexographically greater than “1.0.10” which does not seem right…

You’re right, I was looking in the wrong place.

The code is here: https://github.com/gradle/gradle/blob/master/subprojects/core-impl/src/main/groovy/org/gradle/api/internal/artifacts/ivyservice/ivyresolve/strategy/ExactVersionMatcher.java#L59

Great! So if I am not mistaken it will be: “1.0.1-dev123” < “1.0.1-rc125” < “1.0.1”

That will work nicely.