Upgrading gradle 1.12 to 2.6 is causing module version conflict in the dependencies that is defined in custom groovy plugin under project.dependencies

Here is the error that I get : Could not resolve all dependencies for configuration ‘:SecurityWar:selfJar’.

Could not find SecurityWar.war (com.sap.soar.sf.tntal:SecurityWar:).

On runnig it on debug mode, here is what I found: Selected com.sap.soar.sf.tntal:SecurityWar: from conflicting modules [com.sap.soar.sf.tntal:SecurityAdminstrationWar:, com.sap.soar.sf.tntal:SecurityWar:SCB-SNAPSHOT].

Here is the code snippet from groovy plugin:
if(project.hasProperty(‘cleanThisUpWhenAllStreamsCanUseActualSpringRuntimeDependencies’)) {
def projectDependency = “${project.group}:${project.name}:${project.snapshotVersion}”
def projectExtension = project.name.toLowerCase()[-3…-1]
if (projectExtension ==~ /(war|ear)/) {
projectDependency += “@${projectExtension}”
selfJar projectDependency

I also tried to do “selfJar projectDependency{force=true}” . But it failed with the following error:
No signature of method: java.lang.String.call() is applicable for argument types: (SpringTest$_apply_closure5_closure14) values: [SpringTest$_apply_closure5_closure14@5a359907]

I guess there is a different syntax since it is written in groovy. Please help me in resolving this issue. I appreciate the help. How does it even find something without version that causes conflict? I want to pick the one that has the version SCB-SNAPSHOT. Let me know if I’m not clear.

Thank you,
Alexy Thomas