Im trying to write a plugin that does the same as failOnVersionConflict(), but only when the major version differs. To achieve this I am looking for a way to obtain the information that gradle dependencies gives us, for example: org.junit.jupiter:junit-jupiter-api:5.4.2 -> 5.7.1. Especially the fact that 5.7.1 was selected over 5.4.2. Do you have any pointers on how to obtain this information?
I tried that, but it only gives me the dependencies I explicitly declared in my build.gradle. I also need all transitive dependencies and whether Gradle did some conflict resolution on them (and with which versions).
Using rich version declarations/constraints (Declaring Rich Versions) might also be something you’re interested in, but here’s some code that may help:
dependencies {
implementation 'junit:junit:4.+'
implementation 'org.hamcrest:hamcrest-core:0.1'
configurations.all { conf ->
conf.incoming.afterResolve { resolvableDeps ->
resolvableDeps.resolutionResult.allDependencies.findAll {
it instanceof ResolvedDependencyResult && it.requested instanceof ModuleComponentSelector
}.each {
def req = it.requested.version
def res = it.selected.moduleVersion.version
// compare version strings and throw exception as needed
println "${req} -> ${res}"
Dependency/module substitutions might make things messy as well, so you might need to handle cases where the requested module is different than the selected. I didn’t test this out so I’m not sure how that impacts my code.