Subproject copy task not copying files

I am having issues with a subproject copy task. Every time I run this it says build successful but doesn’t perform the copy operation correctly. When ran with debug mode it says:

Skipping task ‘:app:copy’ as it has no source files.

 buildscript {
  repositories {

  dependencies {
    classpath 'org.ajoberstar:grgit:1.1.0'

//Load required plugins
plugins {
  id 'org.hidetake.ssh' version '1.1.3'

def extProperties = new Properties()
println extProperties['domain_name']

//All Projects properties
allprojects {
  //Remote server properties
  remotes {
    webServer {
      host = extProperties['domain_name']
      user = 'ec2-user'
      identity = file(extProperties['ssh_key_file'])

  task grettings << { task -> println "I'm $" }

subprojects {
  //Add sub projects properties

//Deploy app folder
project(':app') {

  task copy(type: Copy) {
     outputs.upToDateWhen { false }
    includeEmptyDirs = true
    def fromDir = 'services/website/app/'
    def toDir = 'dist/app/'

    println fromDir
    println toDir

    from fromDir
    into toDir

Can any one review this code and let me know why it is not copying files? The source directory contains php, html and css files while the destination folder is a place from where I will upload it online.

Hi, @khattak,

In my understanding of your description, you want to copy files from the directory root-dir/services/website/app into the directory root-dir/app/dist/app, right?

In the context of project(':app'){} block, a directory name is evaluated as relative to root-dir/app directory.

So, this task definition is

  • copy from root-dir/app/services/website/app
  • copy into root-dir/app/dist/app

If you don’t have a directory root-dir/app/services/website/app, Gradle considers input file is empty so that task :app:copy is always UP-TO-DATE.

If your goal is the same as my understanding, please modify :app:copy task definition as

project (':app') {
  task copy(type: Copy) {
    includeEmptyDirs = true
    def fromDir = rootProject.file('service/website/app/') // the directory is root-dir/services/website/app
    def toDir = 'dist/app/' // the directory is root-dir/app/dist/app
    from fromDir
    into toDir

If my understanding is different from your goal, please let me know.


You are right. Adding the rootProject.file in subproject solved my issue. I am now using this code with a minor update in your code.

project (':app') {
  task copy(type: Copy) {
    includeEmptyDirs = true
    def fromDir = rootProject.file('service/website/app/') // the directory is root-dir/services/website/app
    def toDir = rootProject.file('dist/app/') // the directory is root-dir/app/dist/app - Updated
    from fromDir
    into toDir

Thank you for the help and quick solution.

I’m very happy, to hear that your task works fine :smile:

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