I have a multi-project gradle build that copies some source files from the parent project into the build directory and then attempts to overwrite a token in one of the copied files. Everything runs OK but the file ends up being empty. Here’s the file snippet with the template to replace:
# file: clients.yaml
#properties shared by all client machines
jmeter_version: "${jmeterVersion}"
Here’s snippet of gradle.properties:
And here are two tasks that suppose to do the trick
/** This task copies files from pdo-shared */
task copyFromCommonProject(type:Copy, dependsOn: configurations.commonProjectContent){
from configurations.commonProjectContent.collect{ zipTree(it) }
into "$buildDir"
/*doLast {
task updateAnsibleTokens(type: Copy, dependsOn: copyFromCommonProject) {
from "$buildDir/commons/ansible/group_vars/clients.yml"
into "$buildDir/commons/ansible/group_vars/"
expand(jmeterVersion: "$jmeterVersion")
I run this from the parent project as gradle clean :tpcds-benchmark:updateAnsibleTokens
First tasks copies all the files where and as expected it’s the 2nd task that does not work
Please notice commented out doLast
section. I tried to run these two tasks as gradle clean :tpcds-benchmark:copyFromCommonProject
by uncommenting doLast
section and removing dependsOn: copyFromCommonProject
from the 2nd task
In both instances client.yml ends up completely empty
P.S. Even if I disable expand(jmeterVersion: “$jmeterVersion”) line I will get an empty file. With some more tests it seems that copying a file on itself will generate an empty file so perhaps I’m just doing it wrong. The same code I have will work if I only change the destination directory
This is a repost from Stackoverflow