My use case:
a copy task generates a file from a template file using the ‘expand’ filter.
another task defines the values of the properties which are expanded.
the copy task dependsOn this task
Essentially I want the result file to be re-generated each time the property values change.
My problem: the copy task runs the first time, but subsequently doesn’t, claiming to be “up to date”. The file never gets updated from then on.
A cut down example. Assume a file called ./dir/a.template containing:
And a ./build.gradle like so:
project.ext.defs = [date: ‘unset’]
task setDate << {
project.ext.defs.date = new Date();
println “-- set date to $project.ext.defs.date”;
task expandTemplate(type: Copy, dependsOn: setDate) {
from ‘dir’
include ‘a.template’
into ‘dir’
rename ‘a.template’, ‘a.date’;
doLast { println “-- expandTemplate running, date is $project.ext.defs.date”; }
task checkSetDate(dependsOn: setDate) << {
println “-- setDate.didWork = $setDate.didWork”
task all(dependsOn: [checkSetDate, expandTemplate]) << {
println “-- a.date contains ${file(‘dir/a.date’).text}”
The first run’s output looks like this:
% gradle -i all
Starting Build
Settings evaluated using empty settings script.
Projects loaded. Root project using build file ‘/home/nick/tmp/build.gradle’.
Included projects: [root project ‘tmp’]
Evaluating root project ‘tmp’ using build file ‘/home/nick/tmp/build.gradle’.
All projects evaluated.
Selected primary task ‘all’
Tasks to be executed: [task ‘:setDate’, task ‘:checkSetDate’, task ‘:expandTemplate’, task ‘:all’]
Task ‘:setDate’ has not declared any outputs, assuming that it is out-of-date.
– set date to Fri Dec 13 14:37:36 GMT 2013
Task ‘:checkSetDate’ has not declared any outputs, assuming that it is out-of-date.
– setDate.didWork = true
Executing task ‘:expandTemplate’ due to:
Output file /home/nick/tmp/dir/a.date has been removed.
– expandTemplate running, date is Fri Dec 13 14:37:36 GMT 2013
Task ‘:all’ has not declared any outputs, assuming that it is out-of-date.
– a.date contains Fri Dec 13 14:37:36 GMT 2013
The second run’s output shows gradle skipping the expandTemplate task:
gradle -i all
Starting Build
Settings evaluated using empty settings script.
Projects loaded. Root project using build file ‘/home/nick/tmp/build.gradle’.
Included projects: [root project ‘tmp’]
Evaluating root project ‘tmp’ using build file ‘/home/nick/tmp/build.gradle’.
All projects evaluated.
Selected primary task ‘all’
Tasks to be executed: [task ‘:setDate’, task ‘:checkSetDate’, task ‘:expandTemplate’, task ‘:all’]
Task ‘:setDate’ has not declared any outputs, assuming that it is out-of-date.
– set date to Fri Dec 13 14:38:05 GMT 2013
Task ‘:checkSetDate’ has not declared any outputs, assuming that it is out-of-date.
– setDate.didWork = true
Skipping task ‘:expandTemplate’ as it is up-to-date.
Skipping task ‘:expandTemplate’ as it is up-to-date
:expandTemplate UP-TO-DATE
Task ‘:all’ has not declared any outputs, assuming that it is out-of-date.
– a.date contains Fri Dec 13 14:37:36 GMT 2013
I had thought that because the expandTemplate depends on setDate, it would check setDate.didWork and run if it was true, but apparently not.
How would I make sure a file generated using expand() gets regenerated each time the expanded properties change?