I’ve been developing an automated test case suit (rootproject) in which I’m going to compose a lot of end-to-end tests (subprojects) of my company’s software.
Mostly os my subprojects use ‘java-application’ plugin also my rootProject, since I intend to run every end-to-end test in synchronous way.
This is what my project structure looks like:
So what can I do to get README.MD and ‘runSubProject.cmd’ files from each subproject and copy into my rootproject (desired folder in my rootproject is ‘{rootProject}/build/distribution/{subProjectName}’) when I build it?
I was trying to write a task on my gradle.build on my rootproject in order make gradle iterate over each subproject and copy those files into my rootproject, but I have failed.
PS: I did some work on my subprojects and implemented a new task called convertReadmeToPdf which produces a README.PDF in the same folder as README.MD.
I know that my first target was to move those files directly on ‘{rootProject}/build/distribution/{subProjectName}’, but since my rootProject is a java-application, by the time distribution plugin do this part, all files is going to be packed into a Zip file and be available on {rootProject}/build/distribution.