Problem with Gradle 1.11 and Cucumber plug-in (file name too long)


I want to share a problem that I had with Cucumber Plugin and Gradle 1.11. When I’m trying to run tests of my project and having an issue with xml naming (file name too long). I don’t know why it generates the name using the scenario parameters but some of those parameters are large strings (becuase in some of those tests I’m comparing error messages). How can I fix this? There’s something I can do to change the way gradle name every file?

This is an example of the stacktrace: Caused by: /home/tcp-slave/jobs/miCuentaREST(commit-stage)/builds/243/miCuentaFunctionalTest/build/test-results/SuiteTwo/TEST-#7c#201110000004#20#7c#20400#20#7c#207009#20#7c#20Tu#20l#ednea#20posee#20una#20transacci#f3n#20pendiente#20en#20curso.#20Por#20favor#2c#20volv#e9#20a#20intentar#20en#20las#20pr#f3ximas#2024#20horas.#20#7c#204#20#7c#20El#20contrato#20posee#20transacciones#20pendientes…#20Requerimientos#20pendientes#20-#20Modificaciones#20GMD#20#7c#20100916705#20#7c.xml (File name too long)

at org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.testing.junit.result.Binary2JUnitXmlReportGenerator$1.execute(

Thx you in advance. Regards.

The file naming follows the JUnit XML standard, so I assume that something would have to be changed in the Cucumber plugin or your test code. Note that you can turn off JUnit XML file generation if you don’t need it.