I want to share a problem that I had with Cucumber Plugin and Gradle 1.11. When I’m trying to run tests of my project and having an issue with xml naming (file name too long). I don’t know why it generates the name using the scenario parameters but some of those parameters are large strings (becuase in some of those tests I’m comparing error messages). How can I fix this? There’s something I can do to change the way gradle name every file?
This is an example of the stacktrace: Caused by: /home/tcp-slave/jobs/miCuentaREST(commit-stage)/builds/243/miCuentaFunctionalTest/build/test-results/SuiteTwo/TEST-#7c#201110000004#20#7c#20400#20#7c#207009#20#7c#20Tu#20l#ednea#20posee#20una#20transacci#f3n#20pendiente#20en#20curso.#20Por#20favor#2c#20volv#e9#20a#20intentar#20en#20las#20pr#f3ximas#2024#20horas.#20#7c#204#20#7c#20El#20contrato#20posee#20transacciones#20pendientes…#20Requerimientos#20pendientes#20-#20Modificaciones#20GMD#20#7c#20100916705#20#7c.xml (File name too long)
at org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.testing.junit.result.Binary2JUnitXmlReportGenerator$1.execute(
Thx you in advance. Regards.