One popup less, Gradle chooses an JRE

Hi all,

Thanks for the great work, I love buildship! Great interface inside Eclipse.

I do have one suggestion: perhaps it’s a good idea to leave out the popup after a Commit&Push operation. I can’t speak for others, but I’m always confused: it feels like an error message because nowadays in GUIs you don’t have any feedback when an IDE-action has finished successfully, popups are only for errors or warnings. If I want to see what happened successfully, I prefer to look in the console. I’m usually somewhere digging my head in some code, and then a popup confuses me telling me for me not really necessary stuff for a commit&Push I did two minutes before that.

One thing we couldn’t solve in our very very complex gradle scripts: Gradle picks a JRE system Library Eclipse profile, but for some legacy swing stuff we need a JDK, not a JRE. I found a lot of info on this, but no fix. My idea: why can’t you just pick the Workspace default system library by default? Is there any objection against doing so?

Thanksfor any feedback!

Hi Niels,

Thank you very much, we’re happy to hear that :slight_smile:

That’s unrelated to Buildship, you’ll have to talk to the Eclipse EGit developers about that.

By default Gradle uses the execution environment that matches your targetCompatibility. You can use eclipse.jdt.javaRuntimeName = "someSpecificJdkName" to configure any specific JRE/JDK instead.

Because that’s generally not the best match for your build. The execution environment is a much safer default.
