Native: file path exceeds 260 characters in :platformNative:check


I am running gradlew :platformNative:check and got the error below. How can I workaround this test failure?

Caused by: org.gradle.api.GradleException: Cannot create file. 'C:\Users\fandre\Documents\git\gradle-vs2015\subprojects\platform-native\build\tmp\test files\NativePlatformSamplesIntegrationTest\sourcesetvariant\s3h88\sourceset-variant\build\objs\main\mainExecutablePlatformWindows\9dbo7h40tdkthmet5gev0bykr\platform-windows.obj' exceeds windows path limitation of 260 character.


That’s due to an unfortunate Windows limitation in file path length.

A workaround is to move the root of your Gradle source code clone to a higher position in your filesystem.
If you run Windows >=10 or Windows Server >= 2016, another workaround is to disable that limit, see

Ok, I know the 260 limitation, but the gradle generated file is 229 characters by itself which lets few bytes for a normal prefix… I was expecting a ligther workaround than moving my git project under C:

I am running gradlew :platformNative:check for validating a Push Request for the support of vs2015. Would it be acceptable for the Gradle team to bypass this test for delivering the changes?

the gradle generated file is 229 characters by itself which lets few bytes for a normal prefix…

That’s true :confused:

I am running gradlew :platformNative:check for validating a Push Request for the support of vs2015. Would it be acceptable for the Gradle team to bypass this test for delivering the changes?

Sure, you can temporarily @Ignore that particular test on your end so you can run :platformNative:check without hitting this issue.

OK thank, I will advise in the Pull Request…