Multiple contributors publishing a plugin

I am a contributor to the plugin: Gradle - Plugin:

Today, my colleague’s API key is associated with that plugin. I want to be able to publish as well. I’ve followed these steps but it does not talk about how to associate my API key with an existing plugin:

This is the error that I get when I try run ./gradlew publishPlugin:

  • What went wrong:
    Execution failed for task ‘:publishPlugins’.

Failed to post to server.
Server responded with:
The user ‘spencerfang’ does not have write permissions to:’

How can we grant write access to my API key?

Does this system allow multiple users to be associated with a plugin? Or will we need to share the single API among the contributors?

My colleague and I still have not found a good solution to this, other than sharing the API key. Is this the best way to do this?