I found 2 minor issues with the default javadoc task, build script is shown below:
‘classpath’ does not contain additional custom entries in main source set’s ‘compileClasspath’. User Guide lists the default of classpath as ‘sourceSets.main.output + sourceSets.main.compileClasspath’, but it does not find classes in configurations that I add to main’s compileClasspath in the build script. Classes from default classpath (configuration compile) are found. I suspect an evaluation order problem in JavaPlugin.
source compatibility option does not default to the ‘sourceCompatibility’ convention property of the Java plugin.This is not claimed anywhere in the docs, but I would find it very logical.
Both issues are very minor, as the settings can easily be made explicitly. I found them when converting a number of small legacy projects to gradle (with source that’s only compatible to Java 1.4).
Here’s the script (excerpt):
apply plugin: "java"
apply plugin: "maven"
version = "2.3.1-inxfix"
sourceCompatibility = 1.4
configurations {
dependencies {
compile group: "javax.mail", name:"javamail", version:"1.4.5", configuration:"api"
provided "javax.servlet:servletapi:2.5"
sourceSets {
main {
compileClasspath += configurations.provided
javadoc {
// defaults to main.compileClasspath but does not find above provided dependency w/o setting classpath explicitely
classpath += configurations.provided
// would expect that to be default
options.source = "$sourceCompatibility"