May I distribute a Japanese translation of the user guide online?

I have been translating the Gradle user guide ( ) into Japanese, and publishing it on a web site.

Shortly, a new Japanese book about Gradle is going to be published in collaboration (including me).

I would like to put the URL of the above-mentioned online translation onto the book.

Then, please let me ask the following questions.

  • In the first place, may I distribute translations of the gradle user guide online? * Is it possible to put links to the online translation onto a paperback book(commercial publication)?

I should have asked the questions before I put the translations online, I’m sorry for the delay in this confirmation.

Thank you for your consideration.

Hi Masatoshi,

This is very exciting. I will reach out to you via email to discuss your questions. I’m not exactly sure of all the possible implications yet. 

Thank you for replying!

My email address is as below.

I’d appreciate it if you would give me a email when you have time. Thank you!