Generating epub for the gradle user manual


I am stuck in a bit of a chicken-and-egg situation. I want to learn gradle via an ebook reader. But to generate an epub from the usermanual, I have to already know gradle to modify the gradle build process for generating documentation which uses AsciiDoctor.

Can someone please help me out what I can patch to generate epub3 for the gradle user manual?


I’ve never tried this and the Gradle build is quite complex.

It might be easier to just take the PDF and send it through a converter, those are available for free.

But also keep in mind, that in the single-page documentation not all parts of the multi-page documentation are included because of size restrictions in PDF.

Having said all this, it might maybe be sufficient to change the backend to epub at gradle/build-logic/documentation/src/main/groovy/gradlebuild/docs/ at ebfcf97806a2c04b870652374bcbee2c915dac93 · gradle/gradle · GitHub, to change from pdf to epub3 at gradle/build-logic/documentation/build.gradle.kts at master · gradle/gradle · GitHub and to epub3:2.1.3 at gradle/build-logic-commons/build-platform/build.gradle.kts at master · gradle/gradle · GitHub, and then execute the userguideSinglePagePdf task.

But I have no idea whether it will work, I did not try it. Again, taking the PDF and sending it through a converter might be way easier and safer, even if the result is maybe not optimal.

You could also open a feature request to provide the user guide as epub if there is none yet, so that in the future it is already provided by Gradle.