Junit test problem

Hello, I have a problem with creating Junit Tests, gradle build successfully but no reports are generated.

Does gradle run tests in same way as Ant? Well here is my code: First I have created a new configurations and sourceSets:

configurations {
repositories {
//some sources....
  dependencies {
myproject //some jars...
unitTest unitTest 'junit:junit:'+junitVersion
    compileClasspath= configurations.myproject
    runtimeClasspath= output+compileClasspath
    compileClasspath= sourceSets.myproject.output+configurations.unitTest+configurations.myproject
    runtimeClasspath= output+compileClasspath

Then I have created new task for The Junit:

task RunUnitTests(type:Test){
      testClassesDir= sourceSets.unitTest.output.classesDir
  forkEvery = 10
  maxParallelForks = 4
      //test.testReport = false
  // Disable automatic inspections.
 // scanForTestClasses = false
      // Include test classes
      include '**/*Test.java'
  // Exclude test classes
  exclude // some classes..
       test.testReportDir = file("$buildDir/reportsDirs")
  test.testResultsDir = file("$buildDir/test-results")

Finally gradle compile myproject then compile unitTest and return successfully with no reports, I think it has done only the compiling and not running the Junit tests.

Thank you for your help.

Solved, well the problem was in the excluded files list. I think I have to see how define correctly filters for running Junit Tests.

I’m not so sure that this solution work’s, because the reports appeared only once and after that it’s gone and I back to the same situation.

Well I have solved the problem: Actually for including and excluding many files from running tests list task you should do like this

// include='**/*pattern1.java' also correct

and not like this:

include **/*pattern1.java'
exclude '**/*pattern1.java',

Finally, the tips consist of checking the patterns and adding “=” after include and exclude same for excludes and includes .

Well I hope this well help someone in similar situation like mine.

Thank you!!

I don’t see how that would make a difference. However, the includes/excludes are about which class files to execute, so it should be '.class ’ or ‘.*’ instead of ‘.java’.

Yes you are right, I have just learned that and back to tell you about it, Thank you Peter

Update, the main problem is caused by the extention it should be ‘.class’ not ‘.java’. Well I made this mistake because in Ant the code look like this:

<junit showoutput="yes" printsummary="yes" logfailedtests="yes" errorProperty="test.failed" failureProperty="test.failed">
    <pathelement path="${build.dir}/src" />
    <pathelement path="${target.bin}" />
    <fileset dir="${basedir}/lib">
     <include name="**/*.jar" />
   <formatter type="xml" />
     <!--launching neccessary tests -->
   <batchtest fork="true" todir="${report.light.dir}">
    <fileset dir="${build.dir}/src">
     <include name="**/*Test.java" />
     <exclude name="**/NotificationDaoImplTest.java" />
     <exclude name="**/*MacroLoader*Test.java" />
     <exclude name="**/*LaunchMyDSOPTest.java" />
     <exclude name="**/*MTPDBDumpParserTest.java" />
     <exclude name="**/*CorrespondenceParserForDELAMAISONTest.java" />

so be careful when you move from Ant to Gradle. Finally the solution look simply like this:

task RunUnitTests(type:Test){
  testClassesDir= sourceSets.unitTest.output.classesDir
  forkEvery = 10
  maxParallelForks = 4
   include '**/*Test.class'
  exclude '**/*otherTest.class'
  test.testReportDir = file("$buildDir/reportsDirs")
  test.testResultsDir = file("$buildDir/test-results")

Thank you again Peter!!