Does anyone know how to configure Maven Surefire plugin with Gradle for unit tests?

Does anyone know how to configure Maven Surefire plugin with Gradle for unit tests?

Can anyone provide hints or advice? I don’t want to use TestNG and I want to have HTML generated reports from my JUnit results.

Using “pure Maven” , I believe you need to add this entry to your pom.xml file:


Then, somehow do an invoke similar to “mvn site” I think???

I am so lost.

Gradle isn’t built on Maven. I’m not sure why you’d want to try and use surefire.

Are you just trying to run tests?

Ok, but does Gradle have support for “standard JUnit reports” ? Or, in other words, how would you, being a Gradle developer, handle distribution of JUnit reports, after the “test” task has finished?

Right now I get a .xml output file from Gradle in the build/test-results directory ( from the following configuration) :

test {
    testLogging {
        exceptionFormat "full" // default is "short"
        events "started", "passed", "skipped", "failed", "standardOut", "standardError"

I was guessing that Gradle had the ability to load a Maven configuration (in the form of a reporting plugin) and execute it but I am wrong?

If you want to re-title my question, you are welcome. It probably should have been “How do I configure JUnit reporting for Gradle tests?”.

I was guessing that Gradle had the ability to load a Maven configuration (in the form of a reporting plugin) and execute it but I am wrong?

Gradle doesn’t have this ability.

Your code snippet only configures console logging. It has no influence on the XML/HTML report generated. Gradle does generate an HTML report unless you set ‘test.testReport = false’. It doesn’t look like the (ugly) Ant/Maven JUnit report though. (JUnit itself doesn’t know anything about report generation.)