TestNG XMLReporter configuration, Maven-surefire-plugin

Hey. Try to setup Xray Jira tool with our automation framework and connect XML reporting. We are using gradle, but in their documentation they are giving example for maven. They have such setup shown:

< plugin >

< groupId >org.apache.maven.plugins</ groupId >

< artifactId >maven-surefire-plugin</ artifactId >

< version > 2.20.1</ version >

< configuration >

< testFailureIgnore >true</ testFailureIgnore >

< suiteXmlFiles >

< suiteXmlFile >testng.xml</ suiteXmlFile >

</ suiteXmlFiles >

< properties >

< property >

< name >reporter</ name >

< value >org.testng.reporters.XMLReporter:generateTestResultAttributes=true,generateGroupsAttribute=true</ value >

</ property >

</ properties >

</ configuration >

</ plugin >

Is it possible to set up the same in gradle? if yes, how can I do that? Have tried different options, but none worked for me :frowning: