How to include .jars as /lib/, but not inside an additional .ear

I have been tasked with converting our build process from ANT to Gradle. I am using a mulit-project setup. The original ANT build also included a folder called /libs/ that included several .jars. I can get close to re-creating this using earlib, however they appear nested inside of another .ear file.

|--/shared`Preformatted text`
|  |-- jar1.jar  
|  |-- jar2.jar
| --build.gradle  
|  |--
|  |--

This is my desired outcome below.

|  |-- jar1.jar  
|  |-- jar2.jar  
|-- subproj1.war
|-- subproj2.war

However instead, the .jars are first packaged inside of another .ear file like this.

|  |  |another_ear.ear   (as defined by a war task, which I don't think is right)
|  |  |  --lib
|  |  |  |-- jar1.jar  
|  |  |  |-- jar2.jar  
|-- subproj1.war
|-- subproj2.war

You did not show anything you did.
How can you expect anyone to guess a solution to your problem?
It is really hard to guess what configuration you did to get such result.
Optimally, you should share an MCVE.