Hello everyone,
i got some understanding problems how to build a war / ear from a multi project. Actual i trie to migrate a project from maven to gradle.
Project Structure…
/— Web
________/— classes
________/— libs
________/— tmp
____/— libs
________/— Web.war // atucal war, what i need is a ear that include the war and all the needed jars from the other Subprojects
____/— src
________/— main
____________/— java
________________/— …
/— EJB
________/— classes
________/— libs
________/— tmp
____/— libs
________/— A.jar
________/-- B.jar
____________/— C.jar
____/— src
________/— main
____________/— java
________________/— …
/— Shared
____/— (…)
________/— (…)
/— ServerClientModule
____/— (…)
________/— (…)
/— SwingClientModule
____/— (…)
________/— (…)
The structure for Moudle “Shared”, “ServerClientModule” and “SwingClientModule” is identical to “EJB”, all of them produce a jar.
The Result of the build process should give me a .EAR file that includes the .war and some jars from the other subprojects. But i rly cant get it work, an EAR with some basic files is simple, but i cant build a ear that includes the war an all needed JARs from the other Subprojects.
/— lib
____/— Shared.jar
____/— ClientModule.jar
____/— SomeOther.jar
____/— application.xml
/— EJB.jar
/— Web.war
____/— images
____/— META-INF
____/— signedClientLibs
________/— Shared.jar
________/— ServerClientModule.jar
________/— SwingClientModule.jar
____/— WEB-INF
____/— index.jsp
____/— web_app.dtd
Hope for some help, please
Edit: I have include in the RootProject build.gradle " deploy project(path: ‘:Web’, configuration: ‘archives’)", now i get an ear that include the war. Only the jar’s from the other Subprojects i couldnt include.