I am building an EAR file that contains an EJB and a WAR file both built from the same subproject. The EAR files is being created with only the .war file. In cases where I have a project that is just .jar it includes in the .ear file. I’m trying to replace Ant script, and would like to not have to move src. How do I get the ear to have the :core:jar and the :core:war artifacts ?
include 'core'
apply plugin: 'ear'
defaultTasks 'assemble'
dependencies {
deploy project(path: ':core', configuration: 'archives')
deploy project(path: ':persist', configuration: 'archives')
plugins {
id 'java-library'
id 'war'
tasks.withType(Jar) {
archivesBaseName = 'core'
tasks.withType(War) {
archivesBaseName = 'my-war'
dependencies {
api 'xerces:xerces:2.4.0'