How do you obtain the dependencies for a current project in order to copy them somewhere?
Essentially, I am writing a task like this:
task installDesktop(description: "Installs the Platform software on the user's Desktop and workstation.") {
dependsOn assemble
doLast {
def platformReleaseDir = file( "${deployDir}/platform-release-${version}" )
def platformReleaseLibDir = file( "${deployDir}/platform-release-${version}/lib" )
logger.info("**** installing to platform release dir: $platformReleaseDir")
copy {
from "src/main/resources"
into platformReleaseDir
include( [ 'cacerts.digital', 'digital.keystore' ] )
copy {
from << gradleLocalRepository >>
into platformReleaseLibDir
include( << project.allCompileDependencies.files.toArray >> )
I think I am going down the wrong track with the copy task, because what I really to do is a copy file to file and that might be better to employ the Ant copy instead.