Copy Dependencies from Repository to Folder


my buildscript builds a multiproject. After the build i want to copy some dependencies from my repository to a specific folder.
Therefor I created a sperate task(outside of the subprojects Node), because this task should only run once.

task parseXml() {
parsedProjectXml.plugin.each{ plugin →
println ‘XML: ’ + plugin.@id
println ‘Found: ’ + plugin.@id
configurations.release.getDependencies().add(’${project.ext.eclipseMavenGroup}:’ + plugin.@id + ‘:+’)

I get the following error: Could not find property 'release' on configuration container.

I created the configuration with (inside subprojects Node):

configurations { release }

My plan was to copy all the dependencies from the release configuration to the folder.
How can i add dependencies to a configuration or is there a better way to solve my task?

It’s hard to know without seeing the rest of your script but I’m guessing you need to reference the configuration from another project.

task parseXml() {

Ok that worked, but can i create a configuration that is not depend of any subproject? Or is there another way to copy the libs from the repository?

I have no idea what you are doing!!! perhaps you want

task parseXml() {
   FileCollection allFiles = files()
   subprojects.each { p ->
      if (p.configurations.findByName('release')) {