Gradle Play plugin doesn't add some packages of play framework


I’ve faced problem that gradle load not whole play framework. Particularly it there is not play.api.libs.logback which is required for my current project. I tried add that libs like external dependencies but without success.
Could you help me to deal with it?

Actually, I need that class

Here is my build.gradle file
plugins {
    id 'play'

repositories {
    ivy {
        url ""
        layout "pattern", {
            ivy "[organisation]/[module]/[revision]/ivys/ivy.xml"
            artifact "[organisation]/[module]/[revision]/jars/[artifact].[ext]"

dependencies {
    play ''
    play ''
    play ''
    play 'org.postgresql:postgresql:9.4-1204-jdbc42'

model {
    components {
        play {
            platform play: '2.5.10', scala: '2.11', java: '1.8'
            injectedRoutesGenerator = true

Thanks advanced!