I’ve been doing some experiments with different ways I can customize a MavenPublication. Ideally I’d like to create a plugin that provides our users the ability to do something like:
publishing {
publications {
pub1(MavenPublication /*or maybe MyPublication which extends from something?*/) {
I would also be OK with adding an extension to the publication (and I think I like it more than the above):
The extra information will likely be used by a TaskActionListener to perform extra duties after a PublishToMavenRepository task is complete. I say “likely” because this is currently the only solution I have for hooking into the execution of the generated publishing tasks. For example:
gradle.addListener( new TaskActionListener() {
void beforeActions( Task task ) {
void afterActions( Task task ) {
if( task instanceof PublishToMavenRepository ) {
MavenPublication p = task.publication
ExtClass e = p.extensions.findByType( ExtClass )
if( e ) {
/* do work */
println "something = ${e.something}"
} )
Again, I welcome any other ideas on how something similar can be achieved.
$ ./gradlew tasks
class org.gradle.api.publish.maven.tasks.PublishToMavenLocal_Decorated
class org.gradle.api.publish.maven.tasks.PublishToMavenRepository_Decorated
class org.gradle.api.publish.maven.tasks.PublishToMavenLocal_Decorated
class org.gradle.api.publish.maven.tasks.PublishToMavenRepository_Decorated
I could probably access these from doLast(), but I’m looking at doing some additional configuration as well (like creating more tasks), so doLast() is too late.
So, I’d like to create another task for each instance of PublishToMavenRepository and I’d like to access the publication and repository properties. Is there a way to accomplish that?
Sorry if it seems that I’m changing what this thread is about, but I’m evolving the possibilities as I dig deeper and learn more about some of the Gradle guts
You are correct, using withType() the closure passed during creation of the publication has not yet been evaluated. If you want to access publications after they have finished being configured you can access it from within a model { } block.
Thanks for the RuleSource pointers @mark_vieira, it is quite interesting and in the future I’ll take a more detailed look. However, from my initial digging it doesn’t look like something I should even bother trying to use while stuck on Gradle 1.12. So for now, here’s the solution I’ve ended up with. It seems to be working very well so far and I appreciate your guidance.
class MyPublicationExtension
String something = 'hello'
class MyPublishExtensionPlugin implements Plugin<Project>
static final String PUBLICATION_EXTENSION_NAME = 'myExtension'
void apply( Project project )
project.plugins.withType( MavenPublishPlugin ) {
project.extensions.configure( PublishingExtension, new Action<PublishingExtension>() {
public void execute( PublishingExtension extension )
extension.publications.withType( MavenPublication ) { MavenPublication mp ->
mp.extensions.create( PUBLICATION_EXTENSION_NAME, MyPublicationExtension )
} )
project.tasks.withType( PublishToMavenRepository ) {
* In Gradle 1.12 PublishToMavenLocal extends
* PublishToMavenRepository.
* This means we'll get more tasks than we want.
* This has been corrected sometime in Gradle 2.
if( !(it instanceof PublishToMavenLocal) )
doLast {
MyPublicationExtension e = publication.extensions.findByName( PUBLICATION_EXTENSION_NAME )
if( e ) {
/* do work */
println "something = ${e.something}"