I am creating a sort of orchestration plugin: a plugin that we use for some internal projects and that should simplify the configuration of our builds, by checking other plugins are present and configure them.
As part of this plugin I have an extension. In this extension I set some values and these values should then be used to define publications.
For example:
configure<StarLasuPluginExtension> {
moduleName.set("extendedsqlparser") // this is used as the name of an artifact to be published
In my plugin I have this code:
publishingExtension.publications {
create<MavenPublication>(extension.moduleName.get()) {
groupId = "com.strumenta"
artifactId = extension.moduleName.get()
Now, the project is that when I configure the plugin the data has not yet been loaded by the extension, so this does not work.
I then tried to add this in the doFirst of publishToMavenLocal:
tasks.named("publishToMavenLocal") {
tasks.find { it.name == "sourcesJar" }?.let { sourcesJar ->
doFirst {
publishingExtension.publications {
create<MavenPublication>(extension.moduleName.get()) {
This does not work because adding a publication also create a corresponding task that it is added as a dependency of publishToMavenLocal and that cause an error.
I also tried creating a task called preparePublishToMavenLocal and set the configuration there and then decleare publishToMavenLocal to depend on preparePublishToMavenLocal but also that does not work, as it is too late for publishToMavenLocal to take into account the new dependency added.
Is there a pattern to solve this kind of problems?