Error processDebugResources and could not resolve depedencie

I am not yet so familiar with gradle. And this is my first question.

i use androidstudio 4.1.0
the project use gradle build 4.4 and plugin 3.1.2

when i set those depedencies i can syncronize

dependencies {
    // ***********    idispensable pour la VR  *********************
    implementation fileTree(include: ['*.aar'], dir: 'C:/gvr-android-sdk-test/libraries1.190.0')
    implementation ''
    // *************************************************************

    implementation ''


but at run time i get this error

:samples:sdk-videoplayer:processDebugResourcesAGPBI: {"kind":"error","text":"error: unknown element \u003cqueries\u003e found.","sources":[{"file":"C:\\gvr-android-sdk-test\\samples\\sdk-videoplayer\\build\\intermediates\\manifests\\full\\debug\\AndroidManifest.xml","position":{"startLine":45}}],"original":"","tool":"AAPT"}

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':samples:sdk-videoplayer:processDebugResources'.
> Failed to process resources, see aapt output above for details.

and the terminal output for gradle command

C:\gvr-android-sdk-test>gradlew samples:sdk-videoplayer:AndroidDependencies

> Task :samples:sdk-videoplayer:androidDependencies 
debugCompileClasspath - Dependencies for compilation
+--- C:\Users\user\.gradle\caches\transforms-1\files-1.1\sdk-audio-1.190.0.aar\a41487f01e520fef9921d68fffa8ec43\jars\classes.jar
+--- C:\Users\user\.gradle\caches\transforms-1\files-1.1\sdk-base-1.190.0.aar\4b1aeb9572cdba07dc51f9d1c391a05f
+--- androidx.recyclerview:recyclerview:1.2.1@aar
+--- androidx.customview:customview:1.0.0@aar
+--- androidx.core:core:1.3.2@aar
+--- androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-runtime:2.0.0@aar
+--- androidx.versionedparcelable:versionedparcelable:1.1.0@aar
+--- androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-common:2.0.0@jar
+--- androidx.arch.core:core-common:2.0.0@jar
+--- androidx.collection:collection:1.1.0@jar
+--- androidx.annotation:annotation:1.2.0@jar

now if a change the depedencie to this (i added one depedencie extension-gvr)

dependencies {
    // ***********    idispensable pour la VR  *********************
    implementation fileTree(include: ['*.aar'], dir: 'C:/gvr-android-sdk-test/libraries1.190.0')
    implementation ''
    // *************************************************************

    implementation ''
    implementation ''

i got another error in the build panel and terminal panel

Could not resolve all files for configuration ':samples:sdk-videoplayer:debugCompileClasspath'.
> Could not find
  Searched in the following locations:
  Required by:
      project :samples:sdk-videoplayer >

All the depedencie are located on my local machine and i am connected to the network.

But i do not anderstant that in the first example i can see the “com/google/vr/sdk-base/1.190.0” found in “C:\Users\user.gradle\caches\transforms-1\files-1.1\sdk-base-1.190.0” but when i add the “” in the second example the “sdk-base-1.190.0” cannot be found.

I do not anderstand what is appending ?

I can add the pom file i found in C:\Users\xxxx.gradle\caches\modules-2\files-2.1\\extension-gvr\2.15.1\7ff1cc7b288e41fe4a479a76bdf4066866fbf4bd

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xsi:schemaLocation="" xmlns=""
  <!-- This module was also published with a richer model, Gradle metadata,  -->
  <!-- which should be used instead. Do not delete the following line which  -->
  <!-- is to indicate to Gradle or any Gradle module metadata file consumer  -->
  <!-- that they should prefer consuming it instead. -->
  <!-- do_not_remove: published-with-gradle-metadata -->
  <description>Google VR extension for ExoPlayer.</description>
      <name>The Apache Software License, Version 2.0</name>
      <name>The Android Open Source Project</name>

i found that the depedencie use <scope>compile</scope> and that gradle build 4.4 use implementation rather than compile. It may be this ? may be <scope>?

i am not good enough on production process new génération :))

the project use gradle build 4.4

That is a seven year old release, you should really consider not using such an ancient version.

implementation fileTree(include: ['*.aar'], dir: 'C:/gvr-android-sdk-test/libraries1.190.0')

fileTree or files for dependencies is almost never a good idea.
If you really need to use local files that are not in a repository shape,
at least use a flatDir repository and then normal dependency declarations.

but at run time i get this error

Your error says that in build\\intermediates\\manifests\\full\\debug\\AndroidManifest.xml you have in line 45 the word queries which is not expected there.
What that might mean is not a topic for here though, as it has nothing to do with Gradle, but purely with Android stuff.

But i do not anderstant that in the first example i can see the “com/google/vr/sdk-base/1.190.0” found in “C:\Users\user.gradle\caches\transforms-1\files-1.1\sdk-base-1.190.0” but when i add the “” in the second example the “sdk-base-1.190.0” cannot be found.

In your first example you do not try to find, but you add arbitrary files as dependencies which rarely is a good idea as mentioned above. That dependency you added has as dependency, but none of the repositories you declared provides this dependency so it fails. Random files you add as dependencies cannot magically be known to be the artifacts for any coordinates. If you don’t want to do it properly, you could exclude the transitive dependency that you added as arbitrary files from the dependency you added. That will “fix” it, but is of course just a duct-tape solution instead of doing it properly.

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i tried to use flatDir rather than fileTree like this in main build.gradle(rootdir).

buildscript {
     repositories {
         flatDir dirs: ["${project.rootDir}/libraries1.190.0"]

But i did not anderstoud “and then normal depedency declaration”.

Do you means i must add
“implementation ‘’” in the build.gradle(samples:project)
rather than
implementation fileTree(include: ['*.aar'], dir: 'C:/gvr-android-sdk-test/libraries1.190.0') ?

I did this but no change.

i also tried to add

buildscript {
    repositories {
    dependencies {
        classpath ''
        classpath ''

Some problem is still looking for .JAR and not .AAR.


As i said ! i am new using gradle. Second day

i tried to use flatDir rather than fileTree like this in main build.gradle(rootdir).

In buildscript { ... } it is for buildscript dependencies, not for production dependencies, so that wouldn’t help either way.

Also in case I was not clear, this was a general recommendation, but not solve the actual problem as if done properly it will then probably be :sdk-base:1.190.0 or similar (depends on the directory content) and not the needed by that other dependency.

The best would be, if some repository provides this dependency and you do not need any local file dependencies at all.

But i did not anderstoud “and then normal depedency declaration”.

implementation(":sdk-base:1.190.0") or whatever it will then be, depends on the repository content, have a look at the documentation.

i also tried to add

You should practically never at all use the buildscript { ... } block nowadays.
Especially not for production dependencies where it makes no sense at all.

Some problem is still looking for .JAR and not .AAR.

That is actually a very Android specific question I cannot help with as I’m not into Android development.
Whether it searches for jar or aar depends on many factors.
The configuration can say “I need aars”, or a specific dependency can be declared as “I need aar”, 

What the right thing is with Android, no idea, Android is always a bit special.

Thanks for the help.

In fact the sample project was using depedencies 2.9.0 and not 2.15.1. But i could not find 2.9.0 anymore. So i tried 2.15.1, the one i found in my repository. But i think that it is not a good idea neither good practice.

Is there a relation between depedency number x.y.z and gradle plugin or gradle build.
Or just that depedency number just depends on the java source code of the project.

So if i have sample code working with 2.9.0 depedency it could not work with 2.15.1 depedency. bacause sample code was changed between the two dependency. I think that it is the main problem.

PS: i thinks i found the answer in the gradle documentation :))


I found a solution for the second problem “Could not find”. Where it look at JAR depedency rather than AAR.


implementation ''

and add “@aar” at the end of the depedency

implementation '

Still problem but now i can see that the problem are more related the exoplayer version.

Task :samples:sdk-videoplayer:compileDebugJavaWithJavac FAILED
C:\gvr-android-sdk-test\samples\sdk-videoplayer\src\main\java\com\google\vr\sdk\samples\videoplayer\ err
or: cannot find symbol

So it more a problem is because i do not use the rigth exoplayer version. But the one i need is not anymore available. Dependencies have been deleted by android, i suppose.

In fact the sample project was using depedencies 2.9.0 and not 2.15.1. But i could not find 2.9.0 anymore. So i tried 2.15.1, the one i found in my repository. But i think that it is not a good idea neither good practice.

Well, 2.9.0 only existed in JCenter which is dead and now only a redirect to Maven Central.
2.15.1 does exist and is the last version.
Using a newer version is not necessarily a bad practice, the bigger problem imho is, 2.15.1 is 3 years old.
From 2.16.0 on this extension was removed as deprecated: Remove deprecated ExoPlayer GVR extension · google/ExoPlayer@fc1db18 · GitHub
And additionally the whole project was deprecated and replaced by androidx media: Update with clearer deprecation info · google/ExoPlayer@dd430f7 · GitHub

So you should probably not try to use that outdated thing at all.

Is there a relation between depedency number x.y.z and gradle plugin or gradle build.

No, not really.

I think that it is the main problem.

It is not.
The main problem is, that you try to rely on a dependency that is not found in any of the repositories you declared as I explained before.

PS: i thinks i found the answer in the gradle documentation :))

You mean the answer that I already gave you before?
Which is not an answer, but a really dirty hack?

I found a solution for the second problem

Which is not really a solution.
It says “give me the .aar file and ignore any dependencies it might eventually need, I really want only that .aar file”.
This is almost never what you intend to do.

Thanks a lot Björn for your help.

Yes, the problem is not to find the depedency i am looking for on none of the repository. Deleting depedency it is like deleting word from the dictionary ;)).

Project use one version of a library. If it is working no need to change the library. But when library change too much. Here we start the real problem. It is like linking old project working with new library. It never work so we keep all library version to fit the program. And nobody force to use other library. It is simpler.

Could you explain to me what is the work of gradle synchronization. I think it is retreiving dependencies and do the compile step. may be part of the linkage.

thanks again for your help. I know it is not a forum for dicussion and that i am not the only how need your help.


Deleting depedency it is like deleting word from the dictionary

Yes, that’s why you cannot on sane repositories like Maven Central.
Also on JCenter where it was available you couldn’t afair.
The problem is not that the 2.9.0 dependency was deleted, but that the whole repository was “deleted”,
and the dependencies / versions that were only published to JCenter as the maintainers were too lazy to properly publish to Maven Central as JCenter was easier are gone for good now.

Indeed 2.9.0 depended on, but not on But either way, both of these also were only available on JCenter in the needed versions.

I still think you should upgrade to the replacement project and not start using an already abondend project.

Could you explain to me what is the work of gradle synchronization.

No, because I have not idea what you are talking about.
“gradle synchronization” is not a term that exists.

I know it is not a forum

I also don’t get what you mean here.
You say this forum is not a forum? o_O


I mean that is it nice to have discussion. On some other forum you just ask question and respond the question. Asking another question inside the question it not the rule. Here it is more discussion and i rather like it in fact. My english being not so good in writting sometime it is not clear. ;))

Yes on androidstudio there is a step “synchronize project with gradle file”. That is the first step to build project. Then you have to run it and and export it on your phonne.

Thanks for the story of the repository. I thoutgh that google deleted it.

I retreived the source code for 9.2.0 and build it yesteday nigth. I make it work but not yet as library in my project. I will spend one more week anderstanding gradle in androidstudion. than go back to IT work ;)) make it run. ;))

I had 10 years of android whitout interest on repository works and function. So it good to learn a little bit more on the tools i need to use.

like it is also a discussion forum ;)) one more question about the use of depedency. I read that depedency are nearly like APK except that we must declare "apply plugin: ‘’ rather then “apply plugin: '”. So i could have 2 or more library running project in the same APK. I have done a 3D game motor. So i could have one APK that could run many game. One game eqaul one library. May be it is an android question not gradle.

Thanks a lot again to your time and help. By the way i will tri the build scan today. To see how it is working. ;)) “do i need to instal gradle application to use the build scan or i can use it from androidstudio terminal ?”

Asking another question inside the question it not the rule. Here it is more discussion and i rather like it in fact.

Yeah, well, as long as it is still related to the thread topic, it is fine, this is not StackOverflow. :smiley:
When deviating too much from the thread topic, a new thread would indeed be better.
If you prefer discussions / chat, there is also the community Slack.

Yes on androidstudio there is a step “synchronize project with gradle file”.

Well, that’s a question for Android Studio then, not for Gradle. :wink:
But basically it should get all the information it needs from the build like what is the project structure, what are the dependencies and so on.
And to work properly in an IDE, of course the dependencies are also downloaded in necessary.
And depending on your IDE settings it might also right away download the source and javadoc artifacts.

apply plugin: ‘’

You should actually almost never use apply plugin nowadays, but always the plugins { ... } block.

And I strongly recommend switching to Kotlin DSL. By now it is the default DSL, you immediately get type-safe build scripts, actually helpful error messages if you mess up the syntax, and amazingly better IDE support when you use a good IDE like IntelliJ IDEA or Android Studio.

May be it is an android question not gradle.

I’d say so, yes.
Especially I cannot help with that, as I’m not really into Android development so far.

do i need to instal gradle application

You never need to install any Gradle anywhere if you work with sane projects that include the 4 Gradle wrapper files.
A build scan can simply be created by adding --scan to any Gradle invocation and in the end you get a web link to the build scan.

this is not StackOverflow. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

thanks for the community Slack. i will have a loock at.

i mede the change for plugin. Thanks.

thanks again for the help.

Gradle is not an easy things to anderstand. I will ask other question in other trhead. ;))

thanks again.

1 Like

hi, same problem on another project ;))

I am trying to run and update old project. this time i got Gradle 2.8 and build:gradle:1.5.0


     compileSdkVersion 23
     buildToolsVersion '23.0.1'
     defaultConfig {
         minSdkVersion 14
         targetSdkVersion 23
         versionCode 1
         versionName "1.0"


buildscript {
    repositories {
        maven {
            url ''
            name 'Google'
    dependencies {
        classpath ''

A problem occurred configuring root project ‘xxxxxxxxx’.

Could not resolve all dependencies for configuration ‘:classpath’.
You must specify a URL for a Maven repository.

I do not anderstand the relation between Gradle 2.8,AndroidSDK version and depedencies version.

I think i have to increase the gradle version and the build gradle version to use new repository syntax or something like that.

It is where i am lost on the configuration architecture. I am not able to find the relation between

  1. android studio and JDK version and minimum gradle version.
  2. the buildgradle version and depedencies version and repository syntax.

Too many change in 6 years. i am lost i fact.

Maybe the full error, not only an excerpt would help.
Especially with --stacktrace you should see the exact line where it complains hopefully.
Or maybe you need to debug if --info and --debug do not provide more information about what it does not like. :man_shrugging:
But yeah, updating is probably a good idea anyway, or maybe just starting from scratch is easier. :smiley:


i make it work by increasing the gradle and build gradle. But i had to also increase the compileSdkVersion and targetSdkVersion. And that is the relation that i do not anderstand.

And very strange things is that i add this line

 //noinspection GradleCompatible

Red implemantation line like implementation ‘’ get green. Comment act like instruction :thinking:

Aniway i anderstoud that compileSdkVersion and targetSdkVersion are related with ‘’ depedencies. Good start ;))

I cannot really help there, that’s purely Android stuff and I’m not into Android development.

I allready with your help make all my old program to running again. Some otherhelp me also to find old depedencies. I spend 2 months on stackoverflow for no result except being banned asking question :smile: . And with your help and patience. In less than 1 week i make it. You teach me a lot by the way.

So thanks again for the help.

in French. Merci beaucoup.

PS: if i have some question about gradle. I now now where to go :smile:

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hi again,

I thinks that my question relate to the same post. Not sure.

Today i resatrt working on my last project, I let it for 3 months, time to think about.
I was surprised to get problem in building gradle. I use “gradle 4.4”, “build.gradle 3.1.0” and all sdk to version to 23.

the problem was that i could not find Proto JAR on maven. with error

A problem occurred configuring root project 'androidcl-master'.
> Could not resolve all files for configuration ':classpath'.
   > Could not find bundletool.jar (
     Searched in the following locations:
   > Could not find aapt2-proto.jar (
     Searched in the following locations:

Possible solution:
 - Declare repository providing the artifact, see the documentation at

And changing build gradle version to 3.1.2. This error.

enable gradle 'offline mode' and sync project 
learn about configuring http proxies in gradle

My build gradle was like that

buildscript {
    repositories {
        maven {
            url ''
            name 'Google'
    dependencies {
        classpath ''

allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven {
            url ''
            name 'Google'

3 months ago everything were working fine. And i do not anderstand why everything went wrong. So after one hour i decided to copy the new build config that i used for my previous problem with Proto depedencies and everything were running.

here is my new build

buildscript {
    repositories {
        maven {
            url ''
            name 'Google'
    dependencies {
        classpath ''

allprojects {
    repositories {

PS: it also work if i remove name'Google'

Could you explain me what appened. I cannot anderstand that in 3 months time old gradle code is not working properly.

Thanks in advance. :slight_smile:

PS: Is build gradle classpath is depending from the SDK version in app build gradle defaultConfig ?

My build gradle was like that

You error states differently though.
It says it only searched in JCenter, so the second repository should have been missing.
Besides that that second repository can be replaced by google() and jcenter() is just an empty hull now redirecting to Maven Central, so you should declare mavenCentral() directly instead.

The libs from the error are in the google() repository, but as your error states, you only had jcenter() as repository.

enable gradle ‘offline mode’ and sync project
learn about configuring http proxies in gradle

That’s for sure not the actual error, that is some explanation try by some tool you use.

3 months ago everything were working fine.

Maybe because the things you try to use were available in JCenter and 3 months ago it was not yet sunset: JCenter Sunset on August 15th, 2024 | JFrog


mavenCentral() do not work on andriod studio 4.1 running gradle 4.4.
the magic of android