Build failed on AGP 4.2.2 with gradle 6.7.1 when compileSdkVersion 34

Android 14 will be launched soon, so I change my compileSdkVersion and targetSdkVersion to 34 for testing.

The error is:

> Task :app:processDebugResources FAILED

Execution failed for task ':app:processDebugResources'.
> A failure occurred while executing$TaskAction
   > AAPT2 aapt2-4.2.2-7147631-osx Daemon #0: Unexpected error during link, attempting to stop daemon.
     This should not happen under normal circumstances, please file an issue if it does.

My test result is:
AGP 4.2.2 / gradle 6.7.1 / 33 - success
AGP 4.2.2 / gradle 6.7.1 / 34 - fail
AGP 4.2.2 / gradle 7.6.2 / 34 - fail
AGP 7.0.0 / gradle 7.0.2 / 34 - fail
AGP 7.0.0 / gradle 7.6.2 / 34 - fail
AGP 7.1.0 / gradle 7.2 / 34 - success
AGP 7.1.0 / gradle 7.6.2 / 34 - success

I can’t upgrade project to 7.1.0 because my project(android library) support Unity project that can’t use java 11.

Maybe, the problem is occurring in some of the libraries being used.
When I remove facebook-android-sdk, naveridlogin-android-sdk, linesdk, build is successful.

I’m looking for help from someone who has experienced or solved a similar problem.

This sounds highly Android specific problem and seems to have nothing to do with Gradle, so you might be better off asking in some Android community.
Also “This should not happen under normal circumstances, please file an issue if it does.” from your output is coming from AGP, so should be reported to Google if it is “normal circumstances”.