Hi, I have cloned a gradle project from bitbucket to my local machine and i am importing that project in eclipse and it’s showing the following error…
, I have chosen a different workspace and then tried to import their but got the same error again. I am new at gradle.
Thank you.
(Lance Java)
January 22, 2016, 9:43am
Looks like you’re hitting this issue. There’s a link to the bugzilla ticket in the thread.
As a workaround you could tweak some project names so they are unique
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Hi it seems the same issue but i have a different project structure, i have a root project with three subprojects and all these subprojects have their own build. I got through the answers ofthis but there is no solution.
(Lance Java)
January 22, 2016, 3:20pm
Add the following to your root build.gradle and run gradle showDuplicates
from command line
task showDuplicates << {
def map = [:]
allprojects.each { proj ->
def list = map[proj.name]
if (!list) {
list = []
map[proj.name] = list
list << proj.buildscript.sourceFile
map.each { k, v ->
if (v.size() > 1) println "Duplicate: $k $v"