Hi guys,
I’m trying to import 2 multi module gradle projects into my workspace, but I’m facing an issue while doing it, because both projects have one folder with the same name.
The projects have the following folder structure:
Repository A
- app
- build.gradle
- mocks
-build.gradle - build.gradle
- settings.gradle
- app
Repository B
- app
- build.gradle
- solr
- build.gradle
- build.gradle
- settings.gradle
- app
After I import Repository A, I can’t import Repository B as one of its modules has the same as in Repository A, getting the following error while trying to import B:
While importing I’ve tried to import them to different working sets, but also didn’t work…
Versions of:
Eclipse - Photon Release (4.8.0)
Buildship - 2.2.1.v20180125-1441
Any advice on how to achieve this?