We have a huge number of builds and composite build was a great solution to create virtual projects to save developers’ time. Though I faced few annoying things. I decided not to include other modules into existing builds, but rather develop umbrella projects, which include all needed modules and can be submitted into separate Git repository.
Project A (umbrella) includes two modules, depends on them and has a dependency substitution
Project B simple library project
Project C multi module project which depends on B
in one of the B’s submodules I am building fat jar, which filters runtime configuration and includes certain number of jar from it, i.e:
def validJars = ['a-*', 'b-*', 'c-*'] task fatJar(type: Jar) { dependsOn configurations.runtime zip64 = true from (configurations.runtime.collect{ zipTree(it) }) { include validJars } from sourceSets.main.output from (fileTree("$projectDir/data"){ includes = dataFiles }.files) destinationDir file("$projectStage") archiveName "fatjar.jar" }
This list “validJars” includes project B. Thus when Gradle configures project C, it resolves runtime configuration and actually runs project B (binary dependency is substituted with project). It also builds it during execution phase, which is very annoying. I am trying to debug sources to understand to avoid building substituted dependency during configuration phase, but piece of advice would be appreciated.