There we have an application multi-project that has two sub-projects and another library multi-project that also has two sub-projects. The sub-projects of the application use the library sub-projects as binary dependency. The root projects of both multi-projects have not applied the Java plugin.
Using a separate composite-build project that simply includes both multi-projects as include-build, we want to build both at the same time with the benefits of dependency substitution. This case is like in the documentation ( only with multi-projects.
When we execute the clean or build task that is forwarded to the included-builds on the composite-build project, an exception occurs that the task is not found on the included-build project.
If we add the Java plugin to the root projects of the multi-projects, no exception occurs, but only the clean or build task on the root project is executed.
Is this operation not supported yet or did we missed something?
However this is pretty tedious to maintain since you have to know the internal structure of the included projects. Rather than breaking encapsulation it’s possible to define a clear interface, let’s say each included project must have a cleanFull task (separate from rootProject’s clean, because it leaves it possible to call :clean without executing all subproject’s ...:clean).
Note that usually we would probably want the included projects’ rootProject:clean to also execute, in that case simply replace subprojects with allprojects and then we get:
Something is wrong with the above syntax, in my own project I get this warning:
The task name ':clean' contains at least one of the following characters: [ , /, \, :, <, >, ", ?, *, |]. This has been deprecated and is scheduled to be removed in Gradle 5.0.
at build_3exurscyyqkncbej3cesp295r$_run_closure3.doCall(included\build.gradle:40)
(Run with --stacktrace to get the full stack trace of this deprecation warning.)
Using dependsOn subprojects*.tasks*.findByPath('clean') solved this problem.
@TWiStErRob That’s when you explicitly set it up, but @pwoelfle was asking about build automatically calling the build task in all included builds. This is not supported as of today.
You can do other interesting things with this logic too. Here is what I’m currently doing… I created some logic based on one of three behaviors specified from the command line:
I then added logic based on those three values (as an enum; no value is default):
none: don’t pass any tasks specified on the command line to included builds
all: pass all tasks specified on the command line to included builds
default: pass only default tasks that are specified in a list and that were specified on the command line
Additionally, you can put all of this into your own plugin and make it standard across all of your projects. This bit of code, in my opinion, is a good workaround for one of the current composite build limitations.