I developed my gradle plugin which provides one task (myTask1) with one option ‘platform’. The task i called by the following syntax :
./gradlew myTask1 --platform=MyPlatform
But now I want to plug with other tasks ( myTask2 dependsOn myTask1 ).
The previous syntax doesn’t work : ./gradlew myTask2 --platform=MyPlatform. I got this error : Unknown command-line option ‘–platform’.
Do you know a workaround for this error or only -Dplatform=MyPlatform works to get parameter tasks into tasks ?
Yes, that’s a known issue (options need to follow the task that understands them).
The other way to do this is to not use a single task + parameters, but separate tasks. This is better in many ways (discoverability, usability, correctness) if the options are known up front.
So you’d have myTask1MyPlatform, myTask1YourPlatform, myTask1TheirPlatform, etc.