We are happy to announce that we have released Buildship 3.1.2. The highlight of the release is test debugging and closed project substitution. The full list of changes is available here.
Test debugging
You can now initiate a test debugging session with Gradle from the IDE. To do that, select one or more test tasks and methods, right-click and select Debug as.. > Gradle Test
This will launch a Gradle build that executes the selected test in debug mode and automatically connects an IDE debug session to it.
The project should use Gradle 5.6 or later to make use of this feature.
Closed project substitution
The project synchronization in Buildship 3.1.2 takes the closed projects into account. If a project depends on a closed one, the project dependency is replaced with a library (jar) dependency that is automatically built during the synchronization.
This means, when you work on a larger project, you can close the unrelated sub-projects and focus only on the interesting bits.
The project should use Gradle 5.6 or later to make use of this feature.
Kudos to Christian Fränkel for contributing feature.
Buildship 3.1.2 can be installed from the Eclipse Marketplace or from the usual update sites.