Buildship 3.1.1 is now available

We are happy to announce that Buildship 3.1.1 has just been released. The highlight of this release project name deduplication. Now, you can import multiple Gradle builds with clashing names into the workspace. To make use of this feature, Gradle 5.5 or above is required. Huge thanks to the contributor, Christian Fränkel for implementing this feature.

The full list of changes is available here.


Buildship 3.1.1 can be installed from the Eclipse Marketplace or by using the usual update sites.

Hi Donat! How to install Buildship 3.1.1 on 2019-06? The update sites at do not include a 2019-06 update site and the 2019-06 official Eclipse p2 repository contains Buildship 3.1.0.


I’ve adjusted our pipeline which now produces update sites for 2019-06.
Since there’s no difference in the consumed Eclipse APIs, it’s safe to install Buildship from the 2019-06 update site in Eclipse 2019-06.