Hi Donat, is it possible to build an Eclipse RCP application with buildship? I checked the github repo, but it looks like you are able to build only bundles but not products.
Just to say that Buildship 3.0, as provided in the 2018-12 update site, simply breaks 2018-12 out-of-the-box. I spent more than a hour trying to open an upgraded workspace without success, because it seems like Buildship 3.0 is holding locks on the workspace and completely breaks other workspace refresh features (like Subclipse having to refresh its cache). This completely freezes the IDE (and even Windows 10 partially, probably due to SWT!). Fortunately fixed after upgrading Buildship to version 3.0.1.
Please note I don’t use “continuous tasks”, at least not consciously, I was just trying to open a workspace with a Gradle multiproject in it.
I think you should seriously consider to update the Buildship version deployed on the 2018-12 update site.