Android MediaPlayer Application for Google Glass

I think my questions are really more Android SDK related then Gradle issues, but I thought I’d post a question here since I’m using Gradle via the Android Studio. I could use some advice on how to build a video player for the google glass device. I have a basic application based on the ‘Simple Live Card’ project setup, and I’m trying to understand how to add the MediaPlayer from the namespace. I have very little to no experience developing android apps outside of using Unity. I have successfully built and installed my application to the glass device, so I’m basically down to implementing the code. I’ve just started working through this documentation:

Are there any other resources that would be helpful?

TIA, Scott

Hi Scott,

This seems pretty specific to that particular part of the Android SDK, and not related to the build tooling. If this is the case, I’d recommend asking on Stack Overflow (as this is the preferred channel for such questions by the Android development community). You might want to try adding some specific information about what you are trying to do, what you’ve done so far and what errors/behaviour you are getting that are preventing you from doing your work.

Ok, that’s what I figured. Are there any class wizards for extending the existing android sdk? Are there any tutorials or videos that would be good to check out about grade in the android studio?

I’ll check stackoverflow, thanks for the suggestion. Scott