Why isn't @BinaryTasks adding tasks?


I think I a missing something. I am trying to write a plugin using the new rule based configuration to process CxxTest files. I have added a custom language, component type and binaries which appear in the model report as expected. Here is the code.

interface CxxTestSourceSet extends LanguageSourceSet {}
//class DefaultCxxTestSourceSet extends BaseLanguageSourceSet implements CxxTestSourceSet {}

interface CxxTestComponent extends ComponentSpec {}
//class DefaultCxxTestComponent extends BaseComponentSpec implements CxxTestComponent {}

interface CxxTestBinary extends BinarySpec {}
//class DefaultCxxTestBinary extends BaseBinarySpec implements CxxTestBinary {}

apply plugin: CxxTestPlugin

class CxxTestPlugin extends RuleSource {
  void register(LanguageTypeBuilder<CxxTestSourceSet> builder) {

  void register(ComponentTypeBuilder<CxxTestComponent> builder) {

  void register(BinaryTypeBuilder<CxxTestBinary> builder) {

  void createBinariesForCxxTestComponent(ModelMap<CxxTestBinary> binaries, CxxTestComponent component) {
    binaries.create("${component.name}Binary", CxxTestBinary)

  void createCxxTestProcessingTasks(ModelMap<Task> tasks, final CxxTestBinary binary) {
//    binary.inputs.withType(CxxTestSourceSet) { cxxTestSourceSet ->
//      def taskName = binary.tasks.taskName("compile", cxxTestSourceSet.name)
      tasks.create("${binary.name}Task1", DefaultTask) {
        doLast {println "Do Something."}
//    }
  void testSuites(ModelMap<CxxTestComponent> testSuites){}

  void cxxTest(CxxTest cxxTest) {
    cxxTest.executable = '/usr/bin/cxxtestgen'

model {
  testSuites {
    test1 (CxxTestComponent) {
      sources {
        mysource(CxxTestSourceSet) {
          source {
            srcDirs 'primitives/cxxtests'
            include 'test_string_utils.h'

and here is the model report:

+ testSuites
      | Type:           org.gradle.model.ModelMap<CxxTestComponent>
      | Creator:        CxxTestPlugin#testSuites
      | Rules:
         ? testSuites { ... } @ build.gradle.cxxtest line 319, column 3
    + test1
          | Type:       CxxTestComponent
          | Creator:    test1(CxxTestComponent) { ... } @ build.gradle.cxxtest line 320, column 5
          | Rules:
             ? ComponentRules#addSourcesSetsToProjectSourceSet
             ? ComponentRules#applyDefaultSourceConventions
             ? ComponentRules#initializeSourceSets
             ? ComponentRules#inputRules
             ? CxxTestPlugin#createBinariesForCxxTestComponent
        + binaries
              | Type:           org.gradle.model.ModelMap<org.gradle.platform.base.BinarySpec>
              | Creator:        test1(CxxTestComponent) { ... } @ build.gradle.cxxtest line 320, column 5
              | Rules:
                 ? ComponentRules.AttachInputs#initializeBinarySourceSets
            + test1Binary
                  | Type:       CxxTestBinary
                  | Creator:    CxxTestPlugin#createBinariesForCxxTestComponent > create(test1Binary)
                  | Rules:
                     ? BinaryBasePlugin.apply()
                     ? ComponentRules.AttachInputs#initializeBinarySourceSets > withType()
                     ? BaseBinaryRules#defineBuildLifecycleTask
                     ? BaseBinaryRules#addSourceSetsOwnedByBinariesToTheirInputs
                + sources
                      | Type:           org.gradle.model.ModelMap<org.gradle.language.base.LanguageSourceSet>
                      | Creator:        CxxTestPlugin#createBinariesForCxxTestComponent > create(test1Binary)
                + tasks
                      | Type:           org.gradle.platform.base.BinaryTasksCollection
                      | Value:          []
                      | Creator:        CxxTestPlugin#createBinariesForCxxTestComponent > create(test1Binary)
        + sources
              | Type:           org.gradle.model.ModelMap<org.gradle.language.base.LanguageSourceSet>
              | Creator:        test1(CxxTestComponent) { ... } @ build.gradle.cxxtest line 320, column 5
            + mysource
                  | Type:       CxxTestSourceSet
                  | Value:      CxxTestSourceSet 'test1:mysource'
                  | Creator:    test1(CxxTestComponent) { ... } @ build.gradle.cxxtest line 320, column 5 > create(mysource)
                  | Rules:
                     ? ComponentRules#addSourcesSetsToProjectSourceSet > afterEach()
                     ? ComponentRules#applyDefaultSourceConventions > afterEach()
+ toolChains
      | Type:           org.gradle.nativeplatform.toolchain.internal.NativeToolChainRegistryInternal
      | Value:          [Tool chain 'catone_gcc' (GNU GCC), Tool chain 'x86_gcc' (GNU GCC)]
      | Creator:        NativeComponentModelPlugin.Rules#toolChains
      | Rules:
         ? MicrosoftVisualCppPlugin.Rules#addToolChain
         ? GccCompilerPlugin.Rules#addToolChain
         ? ClangCompilerPlugin.Rules#addToolChain
         ? toolChains { ... } @ build.gradle.cxxtest line 62, column 3
         ? NativeComponentModelPlugin.Rules#createDefaultToolChain

My expectation was that I would get a task named test1BinaryTask1 and it would show up under

but I don’t see a task created at all. It seems like it isn’t finding any model elements with the type ‘CxxTestBinary’, but one does exist in the model. What am I missing?
