Why are model elements in non-executed code blocks being evaluated?

In the following sample code Both thing1 and thing2 are mutated, although only thing2 is referenced. Why is this happening?

class testPlugin extends RuleSource {
  void things(ModelMap<Thing> things) {}

  void mutateThings(ModelMap<Thing> things) {
    things.all {
      println "**** Mutating Thing: ${name}"
      value = 'Plugin Mutated Value'

interface Thing extends Named {
  String getValue()
  void setValue(String value)

apply plugin: testPlugin

model {
  things {
    thing1(Thing) {
      value = 'DSL Created Value'
    thing2(Thing) {
      value = 'DSL Created Value'

model {
  tasks {
    print_stuff(Task) {
      if (false) {
        println "!!!! This code block should never be run!"
        println $.things.thing1.value
        println ""
      } else {
        println "++++ Task Configuration: Defaults Value : ${$.things.thing2.value}"
        println ""


**** Mutating Thing: thing1
**** Mutating Thing: thing2
++++ Task Configuration: Defaults Value : Plugin Mutated Value