In section 23.12, “Incremental java compilation”, it says “Starting with Gradle 2.1, it is possible to compile java incrementally”. Considering 2.0 was just released, I have a feeling that release number is wrong. Does anyone know what version this feature became available in? If it actually isn’t available, then I suppose 2.1 might be more accurate, but then I’d also say that documenting this in the released User Guide is probably not quite right either.
I think this is only on master (the next release of which would be 2.1). This section isn’t in the “live” user guide for 2.0.
I think you’re referring to the userguide of the nightly builds and not the gradle 2.0 userguide.
Yes, you’re right. I didn’t realize my 2.0 copy was from HEAD, not from the release.