Hello everyone,
I’m new in gradle, I spent a lot of time to understand how to achieve my goal and it seems like I did it but still I have some doubts whether I’m doing it in a gradle way and not breaking key concepts. Here is what I want to achieve:
in my project a default task ‘test’ could be run with a system property set to different values (e.g. -Dbu=bu1, -Dbu=bu2 etc.) thus providing different results. Since bu can be set to a finite well-known values (e.g. bu1, bu2, etc) I want to create a list of dynamic tasks lets say ‘run_api_for_’ and a task which will be an entry point and become finalized by dynamic tasks I will provide in a command line option (lets say I name it runallapi). Another important note is that I want to be able to configure my dynamic test tasks by specifying test classes and debug mode. And I want to configure them via good looking gradle command line options (@Option). So here is my solution:
ext.apiTaskPrefix = 'run_api_for_'
ext.allowedBuNames = ['bu1', 'bu2', 'bu3']
allowedBuNames.collect { buName ->
tasks.create(apiTaskPrefix + buName, Test) {
group 'verification'
maxParallelForks = Runtime.runtime.availableProcessors().intdiv(2) ?: 1
ignoreFailures = true
enabled = false
testLogging {
events = ["failed"]
showStandardStreams = false
task runallapi(type: RunAllApiTask) {
group 'verification'
bus.each { finalizedBy project.properties.apiTaskPrefix + it }
doFirst {
bus.each { buName ->
tasks.getByName(apiTaskPrefix + buName) {
enabled = true
debugOptions {
enabled = debugJvm
filter {
doFirst {
systemProperty('bu', buName)
class RunAllApiTaskextends DefaultTask {
String includeTests = '*'
boolean debugJvm = false
List<String> bus = project.properties.allowedBuNames
@Option(option = "bus", description = "Comma separated BUs.")
void setBus(String bus) {
this.bus = bus.split(",")
assert project.properties.allowedBuNames.containsAll(this.bus) : 'Incorrect bu name was passed as a --bus argument'
@Option(option = "tests", description = "Sets test class or method name to be included, '*' is supported.")
void setIncludeTests(String includeTests) {
this.includeTests = includeTests
@Option(option = "debug-jvm", description = "Enable debugging for the test process. The process is started suspended and listening on port 5005.")
void setDebugJvm(boolean debugJvm) {
this.debugJvm = debugJvm
as you may see I’m configuring my dynamic tasks when the runallapi execution is started so I can access command line options.
So here are my questions:
- Is it a correct usage of gradle?
- If the answer to the first question is no, does my goal is achievable at all (without braking gradle conepts) or I should rethink of what I’m actually want to achieve?
- Why configuration blocks for any task is running strictly before setter for command line options are called? and is it possible to do it vice-versa?