I believe this is a bug, but maybe it’s just not a supported features (seems unlikely)
Looks similar to this, but with a @Nested tag : Workaround for @Input List<String> args is not serializable
I’m using @Nested to try to serialized a @Managed object in my task.
public class PrintStringsTask extends DefaultTask {
private TestModel testModel;
public TestModel getTestModel() {
return testModel;
@TaskAction ....
The managed object looks like this
public interface TestModel {
File getTarget();
void setTarget(File target);
List<String> getStrings();
void setStrings(List<String> strings);
When I try to run the task, the serialization fails because it fails to serialize the List
Could not add entry ':printStrings' to cache taskArtifacts.bin (/home/userX/src/listSerialization/test-project/.gradle/3.0/taskArtifacts/taskArtifacts.bin).
> Unable to store task input properties. Property 'testModel.strings' with value '[goose]' cannot be serialized.
If you try to figure out the type that it’s trying to serialize, you find it is
which doesn’t appear to be Serializable
. What exactly is going here? Even if I seed the model element with an ArrayList<String>()
(known Serializable), it’s converting it to a non-serializable collection when returning it from the Model and my task input/output saver just fails.
See Test project here https://github.com/loosebazooka/listSerialization for recreation.