Unable to serialize @Input List<String> from @Managed item in a Task using @Nested

I believe this is a bug, but maybe it’s just not a supported features (seems unlikely)

Looks similar to this, but with a @Nested tag : Workaround for @Input List<String> args is not serializable

I’m using @Nested to try to serialized a @Managed object in my task.

public class PrintStringsTask extends DefaultTask {
  private TestModel testModel;

  public TestModel getTestModel() {
    return testModel;
   @TaskAction ....

The managed object looks like this

public interface TestModel {

  File getTarget();
  void setTarget(File target);

  List<String> getStrings();
  void setStrings(List<String> strings);

When I try to run the task, the serialization fails because it fails to serialize the List

Could not add entry ':printStrings' to cache taskArtifacts.bin (/home/userX/src/listSerialization/test-project/.gradle/3.0/taskArtifacts/taskArtifacts.bin).
> Unable to store task input properties. Property 'testModel.strings' with value '[goose]' cannot be serialized.

If you try to figure out the type that it’s trying to serialize, you find it is


which doesn’t appear to be Serializable. What exactly is going here? Even if I seed the model element with an ArrayList<String>() (known Serializable), it’s converting it to a non-serializable collection when returning it from the Model and my task input/output saver just fails.

See Test project here https://github.com/loosebazooka/listSerialization for recreation.

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