I’m migrating an ant build file to gradle and have come across this following issue.
The ant build launches a second build file, designating -lib which points to a folder which contains dost.jar & resolver.jar (The code is provided below)
<java classname="org.apache.tools.ant.launch.Launcher" fork="true" failonerror="true">
<jvmarg value="-Xmx256M" />
<pathelement location="${ant.home}/lib/ant-launcher.jar" />
<jvmarg value="-Dant.library.dir=${ant.home}/lib" />
<arg value="-Djava.awt.headless=true" />
<arg value="-buildfile" />
<arg file="build-manual.xml" />
<arg value="-lib" />
<arg file="${resource.dir}/lib" />
The task being performed by the launched build file uses a xmlcatalog to run the XSLT task
<xslt classpath="${saxon.jar}"
<path location="${lib.dir}/dita/catalog-dita.xml" />
I’m trying to forgo launching the task from a launcher and just have the second task run, hence I’ve created the following task
classpath : "$projectDir/lib/misc/saxon9.jar:$projectDir/lib/misc/saxon9-dom.jar:
basedir : "manual/dita", style : "$ditaLib/custom/dita2html.xsl", destdir : "$manualBuild") {
param(name: "xhive.versionname", expression : versionName)
xmlcatalog {
catalogpath {
path(location: "$ditaLib/catalog-dita.xml")
Which falis with the following error
[ant:xslt] Loading stylesheet C:\views\depot\Platform\XDB\Database\rel_XDB_10.5\lib\dita\custom\dita2html.xsl
Warning: XML resolver not found; external catalogs will be ignored
[ant:xslt] : Fatal Error! java.io.FileNotFoundException: ...\concept\concept.dtd (The system cannot find the file specified) Cause: java.io.FileNotFoundException: ...\concept\concept.dtd (The system cannot find the file specified)
It seems that somehow the resolver isn’t found even though it’s in the classpath.
Please not that the same issue occurs when I launch the second ant task independently